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Emrald: *stars in eyes* this is the best idea ever

Lapis: does it have to do with Pearl and I?

Emrald: no

Lapis: damn it. So what is it?

Emrald: wait a sec I need to give a shout out to someone....for getting a character right. 4nonymou5 you got the character right and as promised I have given you a shout out :)

Lapis: can you tell me what the damn dare is now.

Emrald: someone dared Amethyst and Peridot to fuse!

Amethyst: well then, why don't we do that right now?

Peridot: I agree

Amethyst & Peridot: *fusion dance*

Florite: wow......THIS IS AWESOME!!

Emrald: woah, I wonder what it feels like to be fused with someone.

*star outro*

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