Chaotic Sanity - part 10

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Turns out it did. The day got so much worse. Imogen slipped in the cafeteria spilling her lunch on her shirt, she had to go to the office and all they had for her to wear were yellow polos. Then she was late for social science which got her a detention. Imogen couldn’t believe how horrible her day was turning out to be. She looked at her eye in her locker mirror. The makeup was quickly fading. She reached in her bag for her makeup compact to fix it.

“Hey pigtails what’s up?” Bianca said creeping up to her locker. Imogen jumped. “Whoa sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Bianca looked at Imogen try to cover the bruise. “Uh…are you ok?”

“I’m fine, just tired.” Imogen said turning her head away from her.

Bianca walked over to face her. “What’s wrong with your eye?” she yanked Imogen’s hand down and inspected it.

“I got hit in the eye with the volleyball in gym.” Imogen quickly covered her hand again.

“I have gym with you Imogen, I’m not stupid we talked the whole class period.” Imogen looked around and turned back to her mirror to apply the makeup. “Imogen I know Eli is unstable did he—”

“Eli did not do this.” Imogen turned to her protective.

“Then tell me who so I can kick their ass for hitting you.” Bianca put her hands on her hip.

Imogen swallowed. “My dad pushed me down the stairs yesterday, but I’m 20% sure it was an accident that I actually got hurt! I’m really clumsy you know.” She grabbed Bianca’s wrist like she’d grab Eli’s “Promise you won’t tell anyone.”

“Imogen you’re being abused at home we have to tell somebody!”

“Bianca I’m—look my dad has done so much more worse than this.”

“Moreno you don’t deserve this.”

“Neither do you yet you’ve dealt with it.”

“Yes and that’s why I want to—how do you know about that?” Bianca stopped, looking at her.

“Never mind, look Bianca my dad is the least of my worries right now. My day has been hell and on top of that I have detention in 10 minutes. I just need a win or something to take my mind off things for a while and you giving me this lecture won’t help.” Imogen blinked her eyes to keep tears from flowing. She grabbed the last of her books and slammed her locker. “See you in detention; I have to go see Eli.” She waved bye and walked away.


Imogen clutched her books and crouched down to where her boyfriend and his best friend sat against the lockers. She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Well I’ll leave you two alone.” Adam stood up grabbing his bag and comic.

“Oh it’s ok, I won’t be here long.” She gave them a faint smile while Adam slowly sat back down.

“So how’s your eye?” Eli turned her head to see where the bruise was concealed.

“It hurts a little.” Imogen made no facial expressions.

“Am I still going to take you to get your stuff from your parents?” Eli asked turning towards her.

“I got detention so I have to stay after school, maybe tomorrow?” She shrugged. At the moment she really didn’t care about anything.

“Did you ask your parents?”

“I’ll get to it, anyway I have to go to detention, enjoy your comic.” She smiled and played with his hair blowing him a kiss.

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