Chaotic Sanity - part 16

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Fiona buckled her heel stumbling a bit as she walked out her room. She looked down noticing she had a wrinkle in her dress. She let out a huge sigh crinkling her nose and walking over to the fridge realizing it was hopeless. She dug through the refrigerator looking for some orange juice. “Hey, Imogen can you pick up some orange juice when you’re on your way home from school?” She said rummaging for a bottle of orange pop she found in the back. Guess this’ll have to do. She huffed. She turned over to see Imogen lazily lying on couch half way hanging on the edge. She smiled. The girl even looked flawless in the morning with no effort. Her oversized purple t-shirt hung off her shoulder and scrunched up to reveal her belly button while her black shorts fit her body perfectly. Fiona slowly looked up to where Imogen’s shorts drawstrings wrapped into a perfect bow. Even with bedhead Imogen looked perfect. But Imogen is perfect. Fiona shook her head erasing her thoughts. What was she doing? Fantasizing about her best friend’s girlfriend? Unacceptable! Eli would hate me forever…and Imogen! I would never get to see her beautiful graciousness again. Fiona thought opening the pop can she unwillingly shook. “OH MY GOSH!” Fiona screamed looking at the mess she made on the floor. Imogen jumped up frightened.

“Oh my—what happened?” Imogen said brushing the hair out of her face.

“Um…my pop…Like…exploded.” Fiona blushed taking a deep breath.

“Pop in the morning Fiona? Really?” She laughed. “I’ll go get some rags from the bathroom.”

Fiona nodded her head ok while she took a sip of her pop. Ick! Diet! She made a disgusted face and poured it down the sink. “Who even makes diet orange pop? Isn’t that like illegal?” she murmured.

“So, ready to be the loudest one cheering for Anya and Holly J?” Imogen said handing her a rag as she kneeled down to clean up the sticky carbonated substance.

“Oh you mean ready to see all my friends move on with their lives while I’m stuck as the train wreck known as Degrassi?” Fiona pouted squatting down to help clean. “I’m alone and I’ll always be alone. I think I was born just to be alone. Declan left me, my mom is in another country, Holly J and Anya are leaving…I’m just—”

“Hey, you know who hasn’t left you?” Imogen said looking at her friend. “Me, and Eli, and Adam, we’re all here for you and we’re not going anywhere.” She stood helping Fiona up. “Do you have time for breakfast?” She smiled tossing the rags over to the side. “I can wash those after I get from school.”

“I really need to get to the graduation, but thanks anyway.” Fiona looked awkwardly around the room. “I’ll be back late tonight Chantay is planning a little senior blowout since Holly J is missing prom.” Fiona went to get her clutch and walked towards the door. “Am I forgetting something?” she stopped unlocking the door.

“My goodbye hug maybe?” Imogen joked walking towards her friend. Fiona hugged her friend tightly not wanting to let go. “I hope you’re wearing waterproof mascara.” Imogen retrieved looking her friend in the eyes. “Don’t cry too much, you’ll ruin your beautiful face.” Fiona smiled as Imogen softly bopped her nose with her index finger.

“You’re so sweet Imogen.” Fiona still held Imogen in her arms. She wanted to kiss her so badly. Just lean in close and kiss her, she thought.

“Thanks now go! Before you’re late and Holly J hates me for taking your attention away from her.” Imogen removed Fiona’s arms from her waist and pushed her out the apartment.


“Hey beautiful.” Eli walked up to her looking in her locker. “What a junky locker Ms. Moreno, tsk tsk.” he smirked at her as she handed him some books to hold.

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