Chaotic Sanity - part 2

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Imogen stuffed books in her locker humming. Last night was terrible. Her parents were fighting all night. Her dad was panicking over her mom leaving him without consulting him first. She had to go to sleep with headphones in her ears to block out the screaming.

“Good morning Ms. Moreno.” Fiona leaned against the locker next to Imogen’s.

“Fiona Coyne, why so….cheery?” she smirked.

“Why wouldn’t I be so cheery?” Fiona grabbed one of Imogen’s binders that was about to fall.

“I could name a few reasons.” Imogen grabbed her binder from Fiona. “Thanks.”

“Well, I was up last night video chatting with my brother—”

“Declan Coyne, ex of Holly J, had a little romantic fling with Jane Vaughn, and is currently residing in New York?” Imogen said batting her eyes and turning back to her locker.

“Yeah…….that Declan Coyne….” Fiona looked at her skeptical. “So…have you talked to Eli lately?” Fiona said closing Imogen’s locker for her. They began to walk.

“Eli Goldsworthy? Umm…haven’t talked since yesterday.” Imogen was nervous to talk about Eli to anyone. But Eli, Fiona, and possibly Adam were the only people whom she considered friends.

“You’re so cute, like a little 10 year old.” Fiona pinched her cheek.

“What are you talking about?” Imogen yanked Fiona’s hand away.

“You obviously have a crush on him and you won’t say anything. You’d rather just look at him from far away. Next you’ll be putting ‘do you like me? Check yes or no’ notes on his locker.” Fiona and Imogen sat in the back of the theater.

“I wouldn’t do that.” Imogen tugged her ponytail.

“You are so cute.” Fiona gushed.

Imogen chuckled. “I’m straight Fiona.” she smiled.

“Moreno, Eli is cute, no scratch that he’s beautiful. Hell if I was straight…” Fiona looked over at Imogen who was giving her daggers. “Sorry…” Fiona gave her an innocent smile.

“It’s ok…” Imogen huffed. “It’s just that I’ve liked him for so long that…I don’t know. He’s going through a lot and I’m going through a lot…”

Fiona looked curious. “You’re going through a lot?”

Imogen’s eyes widened. “I didn’t say that!” she nervously laughed. “I said he’s going through a lot. HIM. Eli. Not me.”

Fiona looked her up and down. “Umm…ok.” she looked up. “Speaking of Eli, hello Mr. Goldsworthy.”

Eli walked in sitting behind Imogen and Fiona. “How’s my two favorite ladies?” he leaned in on them.

“I’m doing very well Mr. Goldsworthy.” Fiona smiled.

Eli nodded his head and turned to Imogen. Imogen looked into his eyes. They were practically glowing. Fiona nudged Imogen’s knee. “Huh? Oh…uh…I’m doing great.” Imogen kept her eyes locked on Eli’s. She swept his hair out of his face and smiled. The bell loudly rang and Eli went back to his seat while Imogen turned around and gushed.


Class was finally over and Eli couldn’t be more relieved. Ms. Dawes was boring him as she discussed the importance of diction. Eli, Fiona, and Imogen stood approaching the exit.

“Uh, Eli,” Ms. Dawes swiftly trotted up the stairs to meet up with the trio. “I read your play, I thought it was magnificent!” she smiled putting her hand on his shoulder. “Excellent job.” she left the room before he could say thank you. Imogen and Fiona turned around grinning at Eli like two little girls on Christmas.

“You guys are weirdoes.” Eli shook his head and left out the room.

“Hello my art-loving friends.” Adam walked up to Eli, Imogen, and Fiona. They all waved hello.

“Uhh…I have to go to the bathroom, come with Imogen?” Fiona said noticing Adam wanting to talk to Eli alone. She glanced at Imogen letting her know she had to say yes and then pulled her arm. “See you boys on the next go round”

Adam and Eli laughed. “I will never understand why girls can’t use the bathroom alone.” Eli said walking over to sit on the bench.

“Is your foot still ok?”

“Yeah, I’ve just been walking on it a lot.” he winced and turned to his friend who looked trouble. “What’s wrong dude?”

“Eli, I’m glad Ms. Dawes liked your play…but I think that, you should go back on your anti-anxiety pills again.” Adam played with his fingers. He was thinking about this for awhile. Eli had seemed normal the last couple days but Adam didn’t want to wait until his next anxiety attack to put him back on his meds.

“Adam, I tossed my pills out, even if I wanted to, I can’t.” Eli took deep breaths to avoid yelling.

“You can…you can always order more.” Adam felt nervous. “Look Eli, you got off the meds because it was ‘blocking your creativity’ and now that the play is complete Eli you need your meds.”

“NO! I’m not going back on them Adam!” Eli stood up in anger. “You don’t know how it feels. When I was on those I felt numb, emotionless, like I wasn’t even real. I hated it! Hated it! HATED IT! I was like a zombie. Do you know what that feels like? To be dead? A dead man walking Adam. Dead man walking. What good is being ‘normal’ if I don’t even have the emotions to appreciate it?” Eli was breathing heavily. He saw the he had drawn a crowd. He grabbed his bag and quickly ran nudging into Clare accidentally on the way out.

Clare ran to Adam. “What happened?”

“I told Eli he should go back on his meds and…He didn’t take it that well.” Adam looked at Clare with a sorrowful glare. Clare exchanged it back.


“Eli calm down, deep breaths, deep breaths.” Imogen held his wrists. He was nervously shaking and panicking. She hadn’t seen him like this in awhile and she didn’t like it. “Now calmly tell me what happened.”

“Adam told me I need to go back on my medication but he doesn’t understand that I can’t. That they ruin me.” it was hard for Eli to get that out. He looked at Imogen holding his wrist. She was the only one who understood how he was feeling.

“Eli…Adam didn’t know ok, he was just looking out for you.” Eli had finally calmed down and Imogen slowly let her grip go. “Are you and Adam going to be ok? You know make amends?”

“I’ll talk to him later…” Eli was still shaky.

“Come on, let’s get class.” Imogen took his arm and walked Eli to class hoping this would never happen again.


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