Chaotic Sanity - Part 21

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Imogen played with Eli's hair while he laid on her lap soaking in the sun. Fiona wanted to get a fresh tan before they went out to dinner. Imogen looked over at the ice cream stand where Bianca and Declan stood flirting and eating vanilla cones. Adam and Fiona seemed to be having a fun time together too.

"I don't understand how people can just sit in the sun all day. My skin feels like it's on fire." Eli complained. "Now I know why I prefer my skin pale."

"Elijah Goldsworthy if I knew any better I'd assume you were a vampire." Imogen giggled.

Eli looked up to her unamused. "You wish." Imogen could tell he was playfully rolling his eyes through his shades.

"Surprisingly no. Although it'd be cool to turn into a bat and sleep upside down..." she bit her lip imagining her life as a vampire.

"Only you would have that first come to mind if your boyfriend was a vampire." he sat up sitting beside her letting his index finger roam in the sand. Imogen giggled again before fanning herself. "You hot?" Eli asked as he stood up holding his hand out. "Come on let's go cool off."

Imogen looked at him uncomfortable. "Over there? In the ocean? Where the water is?" she asked. Eli shook his head yes. "Uh...I don't know I'm sure Nemo and The Little Mermaid doesn't want me infecting their water." she crossed her legs still looking at the dark haired boy through her purple sunglasses.

"I'm sure Nemo and Ariel will be fine. Come on." he pulled her up against her will.

"Eli...I don't know how to swim." she said modestly sliding her right foot back and forth through the sand.

"Really?" he looked at her surprised. "It’s easy you know?" Imogen nodded her head but he knew she wasn't completely convinced. "Come on..." Eli grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her gently to the water as she playfully pleaded no. When they finally reached it Imogen's eyes grew wide at the sight. "Come on just try it." Imogen dipped her big toe in the water and jumped back bumping into Eli. "Is Imogen Moreno afraid of water?" he teased holding her shoulders. She stuck her tongue out at him before slowly sitting down into the wet sand letting the water slowly return to splash her slender body.

"You owe me you know." she said picking up the wet sand and molding it into a ball.

Eli laughed. "For what?"

"For dragging me into this melted ice cube!" she exclaimed.

"Imogen your body is barely in there." he pointed out. After a few seconds of Imogen pouting he caved. "Ok ok, what do I have to do to make my wonderful girlfriend forgive me?" he sat down across from her cupping water and pouring it on his shoulders.

She smiled and leaned toward Eli giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. "Well..." she played with the ball of sand. "This sand is perfect for a sandcastle." Eli looked at the sand taking it into consideration. "Pleeease." she pleaded smiling at him.

"Fine..." Eli smirked. Imogen's cheeks flushed red as she continued to make shapes using the wet sand. This day was just what she needed: a break, a break from reality, from her family, and from her troubles. She felt selfish though. Eli was always so willing to help her with her problems and yet he never spoke about his. She wondered if it was because he had Bullfrog and Cece to talk it out with or if it was because he was waiting for her to bring it up.

"Eli?" she called out breaking the silence. "How come you never talk about your problems?" she asked not sure if she worded it right.

He thought for a moment. "Well...I don't know actually." he shrugged it off. "I guess...I guess I just don't let my problems bother me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2012 ⏰

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