Chaotic Sanity - part 11

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Eli looked at Imogen, or Gina, or whoever she was. At that exact moment it was like she had become a stranger. Her facial expression was frozen she couldn’t speak. Eli waited for as long as his unmediated mind would let him. “Imogen—or Gina, whatever your name is, are you going to speak anytime soon?” Eli didn’t know if he should be mad or worried.

She took another deep breath forming the words in her mind. “Alright, I’m Imogen…but I’m also Gina” Eli looked at her confused. “My parents believe I have a split personality.”

“Do you?” Eli looked at her intrigued.

“Well…I don’t think so. I mean many people have alter egos right? Imogen is just like my 24/7 alter ego.”

“Really? So that’s it?” he let out a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, I mean besides the fact that I hear voices in my head sometimes.” Imogen mumbled quickly. She sighed in huge relief. “It feels so good to get that out.”

Eli didn’t know what was happening. He couldn’t exactly process it, however it didn’t seem like his brain wanted to process it anyway. Imogen put her hand on his shoulder making him jump. “Eli what’s wrong?” she looked scared. A million thoughts raced in his head, mainly about how the girl he thought he knew wasn’t who he thought at all. “Eli, are you ok?” she pursed her.

Eli now had the lump in his throat.  He put his hand on the back of his head and tried to gather his thoughts together but it wouldn’t work. “Um…yes I’m fine.” Eli put on an obvious fake smile and Imogen jumped at Eli attempting to hug him. He grasped her arms gently and put them down. “Don’t—don’t touch me.” Imogen took a step back worried.

“Eli, relax alright calm down.” Imogen fluttered her eyes.

“Calm down, calm down? Who’s telling me this Imogen, Gina, do you have a third personality named Izzy?” Eli stood staring at the girl, her face filled with fear and fury. “You, your life is crazy, you’re crazy and you act like it’s fine, like being crazy is perfectly normal and it’s not.”

She looked at him, he called her you as if she didn’t have a name, like she was that person from your past that sees you at the mall and says hi so you just call them you. But this was different, she wasn’t an old friend at the mall, or that one family member nobody knows at the family reunion, she was his girlfriend. She broke into tears again, this time tears of anger. “Eli I am not crazy.”

“Really? You’re the definition of crazy.” They looked at each other full of anger.

She dried her tears facing him with a mean stare. “Maybe I should leave.” she walked slowly towards the door.

He looked her up and down. “Maybe you should.” he watched her shake her head as she ran out the room. Eli stood in his room in a daze. He walked over and collapsed on his bed trying to process what just happened and what he just said.


Imogen walked in Fionas apartment. The bus ride was the worse. She sat on the bench crying Eli and looking at all the people watch her cry over Eli. She slumped on the couch and looked on the table. Fiona left a pink heart shaped sticky note on an envelope. She read the note:

Dear Imogen,

Off with Holly J and Anya for some dress shopping! (I’ll pick you up something cute ;) Be back later!

- Fiona

Imogen balled the sticky note up and looked at the letter. It was a letter from her parents. She quickly opened it hoping good news. It was a legal document. Imogen looked confused and skimmed the first page. She stopped after seeing “request of emancipation” she couldn’t believe her parents were requesting to disown her. She threw the papers on the ground and jumped on the couch to cry. Her bag fell off the edge knocking her stuff over. She wiped her tears and went to pick her stuff up. She looked at her fake ID Bianca got her. Glancing at the clock she saw it was 6:45. The brunette picked up her phone and called Bianca.

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