Chaotic Sanity - Part 20

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Imogen looked down at her phone. She didn’t get much sleep last night thinking about all the possible outcomes her parents would have for her being in New York without their knowledge. Would they tell her to come home immediately? Would they even care that their no good daughter who they practically disowned left to the states without even a text to alert them? She turned to see if Bianca was awake yet. “Bianca” she whispered. The girl rolled over in her bed mumbling. “Pssst…Bianca.” Imogen called her again. She let out a sigh. Bianca usually didn’t wake up at 8am unless she had to anyway. She quietly got up out of her bed slipping a pair of socks on and tip toeing to Eli and Adam’s room. She opened the door quietly walking over to Eli’s bed. “Eli…” she tapped his shoulder looking over at him to see if he woke up.

Eli turned over slowly “Imogen…is that you?” he said groggily. “It’s like 7am why are you up?” he attempted to open his eyes as he sat up.

“Actually…it’s 8am and I haven’t been able to sleep.” Imogen ran her fingers through her bed head.

“Do you need to talk about it?” he asked moving over so she could sit down on the bed along with him. She looked down shaking her head like a little kid. “Alright.” He looked over at Adam who was still sleep in his bed. “Let’s go downstairs so we don’t wake him up.” Imogen shook her head ok as she played with her fingers. Eli got out his bed looking for his house shoes. When he found them he put them on and they walked out the door downstairs. Eli let Imogen sit on the couch first before he sighed sitting down. “Ok why did my lovely girlfriend wake me at 8am?” he asked facing her on the sofa.

“Ok all night I was thinking about how I was going to tell my parents and Eli…” she let out a huge exhale showing hurt in her eyes. “I can’t, I’m scared. They already hate me and I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it if they get even angrier at me.”

Eli put his hand on her cheek. “Look at me.” He said as he gently lifted the girls head up. “Your parents don’t hate you. Regardless of everything that’s happened in the past they still love you. If you want I’ll be right here with you when you tell them but you still need to tell them Imo.”

She made a little smile rolling her eyes. “You know I hate it when you’re right?”

He smirked. “Wow you must hate me a lot then?” he gave her a small kiss on the lips. “So are you gonna call them now or you wanna wait till later?”

Imogen thought about it for a moment. “Um…could I tell them later? Say…after lunch?” she bit her lip.

Eli shook his head yes. “Only because you need some sleep.” He pinched her cheek.

She giggled. “How did I get to be with such an amazing guy like you?” she asked laying her body against his her head resting on his chest.

“I think the real question is…how did I get to be with such a perfect girl like you?” he looked down at her kissing her head. “You know you have really cute bedhead?”

“Random much?” she looked up. “Your bedhead isn’t half bad either you know.” She blushed. “So you really think I’m perfect?”

“’Kinda” he said in a high pitch voice. “Of course I do…I…love you.” He gulped hard before taking a deep breath at what he just said. He knew what he said was true but he knew what happened to him when he said those words. It was like those words were venom to his relationships. He told the girl he loved her and she’d either died or go away. He didn’t want that to happen with Imogen, especially after she chose him over her parents. He promised her mom that he’d take care of her, protect her, and most importantly never hurt her and he intended to keep that promise.

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