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It all started one Friday afternoon during fourth period English: Erin needed more lead for her mechanical pencil, and, seeing as she never came prepared for class ever, decided that this would be an opportune moment to bother her friend Zira, who sits directly in front of her. Unfortunately, the teacher was busy presenting notes for the class to copy down, and since the room echoed like hell at the slightest noise, there was only one other way to get Zira's attention without turning heads: Through text. Erin slipped her phone out of her pocket and opened up iMessage, readying her thumbs to shoot Zira a text:

fobsessedchick: Hey, Z

fobsessedchick: Got any lead?

Zira shot back a reply almost instantly:

crzykittyfangirl: Wtf, you know you can just tap me and whisper in my ear; you don't need to ask me through iMessage

fobsessedchick: Well, this room echoes like a bitch! The slightest sound would give me away!

Little did they know, their teacher had caught them and sent them both texts in their DMs:

Ms.B: Ladies, shouldn't you be more interested in Shakespeare than each other?

fobsessedchick: O shit

fobsessedchick: I mean yes

Zira shot her a glare, then replied to the teacher:

crzykittyfangirl: Sorry, maam; it won't happen again

Ms.B: Make sure it doesn't

Both girls put their phones away, just as the bell rang. Erin sighed, realizing she had to get more lead at home and copy down the notes from online. Zira, noticing her friend's disappointment, put an arm around her as they walked out together to find their three friends.

The three they were looking for were chilling on the curb of the bus parking lot, blue-haired Nunya chugging down Pixi Stix like beer, Colleen busy looking down at her phone, and Olivia hugging her jean jacket closer to her to try and block out the wind. "Hey, noobs!" Erin called, jogging a bit ahead of Zira and flipping out her own phone.

Colleen looked up from whatever she was doing and called out, "Erin, you crazy bitch."

"That's me!" The young girl mentioned said, typing up a group message lightning-fast:

fobsessedchick: Who's ready for the FUCKING WEEKEND BITCHES?!

collxkelly: ME HOE

Olivia slipped her phone out from the inside pocket of her jean jacket, while Nunya threw the empty Pixi straw over her shoulder and snapped hers off of her lap.

majesticpizzaslice: Ayyyyy, don't forget me and Nunners


collxkelly: Your going to the Weeknd?!

collxkelly: LUCKY


"You know we're all standing within five feet of each other, right?" Zira reminded them in her professional-sounding fake British accent from overdosing on Doctor Who and Harry Potter.

"GEE, NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!" Nunya practically screamed, startling a group of freshmen and causing them to flash us a glare worthy of making them the lead clique in Mean Girls 3.

Olivia cupped her hand over their mouth (*For those who don't know, Nunya is nonbinary and goes by plurals*) to shut them up. "Sorry about that; they've had three Pixi Stix in the span of five minutes, and you know what happens when they have too much sugar in such a short amount of time."

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