chapter four: baseball bat

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"Boys, I know you have a lot on your brains, but the library is back a few blocks." I smiled from the back seat of the car.

The jeep soon halted in the parking lot of the animal clinic.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. "Oh my god, is Lydia hurt? Let me out, let me out right now!"

The three of us ran inside, I leading the way. 

"Lydia?!" I yelled as I turned the corner and saw her standing, perfectly fine. "Oh my god. I thought you were hurt." I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tightly.

"You're stuck with me Brooke." 


"What the hell happened?" Stiles asked.

"Derek woke up. Terrified and scratched Deaton and ran out." Lydia explained.

"I don't think he's just younger in body. I think he's younger in his mind too." Deaton said.

"He didn't recognize either of us." Lydia sighed. "And he looked like he was scared out of his mind." 

"So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?" Stiles asked.

"A wolf goes back to its den. But Derek lives in a loft." Scott said.

"Not when he was a teenager." I added.

"The Hale House?" Lydia questioned.

"He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet." Deaton said.

"Hold on. Say you do manage to catch up to him? What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?" Lydia pointed out.

"I guess I'm going to have to." Scott said.

"Oh... Good luck with that." I giggled.

"They're probably right. Maybe you shouldn't. You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal." Stiles said.

"I can't lie to him." Scott said.

"Okay, I'll do it." Stiles smiled.

"I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear a heartbeat rising. When we find him, we tell him the truth." Scott said.

"If he gets to the house first, you won't have to." Deaton said.

"Good point. Let's move boys. Lydia, are you coming?" I asked.

"I'm going to help Deaton clean up and then go home and get some rest, I'll see you later though, okay?" She smiled.


The three of us rode over to the site of the hale house and saw a police truck driving away.

"Damnit," I muttered as we quickly head over to the police station.

The three of us trampled over each other until we reached the desks where my father and two deputies were standing.

"I'll handle this." He told them and gave us a stern look.

"Hi Daddy," I smiled, trying to play off as innocent.

He pointed to his office and we all went in there.

"I want you to be honest with me. Absolutely and completely honest. Have you been time traveling?" My dad asked and I busted out laughing.

"Hang on, what?" My brother asked.

"Because if time traveling is real, you know what? I'm done. I'm out. You're going to be driving me to Eichen House." My dad said.

"We found him like that." Scott said.

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