chapter twenty three: the truth

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"Keep going!" Derek yelled over Liam's roaring as he ripped the other cuff and put on hand around Derek's neck. "Liam! Liam..."

"We're almost there!" Braedon yelled over her shoulder, as my brother started pushing Liam back as well.

"Stiles, be careful!"

"Keep focus!" Derek shouted.

"Derek, I don't think Alpha, Beta, Omega is resonating with him." Stiles said.

"You know any other mantras?" Derek asked.

I had an idea, a good one at that."

"Liam, Liam." I said and he looked at me through the grate. "Hey handsome. Focus on the sound of my voice okay. Just look at me. Breathe." I said and his growling became more quiet.

"It's working, keep talking." Stiles said and Liam growled.

"How about you don't?!" I said to him before looking back at Liam. "Liam! Liam, look at me." I said and he did. "What three things cannot long be hidden?" I asked him.

Liam grunted and panted, "Sun... The moon... The truth."

"That's it. Say it again." I said in soothing tone.

"Sun, the moon... The truth." He said and calmed down.

"Derek?" Braedon called over her shoulder for the third time.

"We're okay." He responded.

"Sun... Moon... And the truth." Liam said again.

"I can't believe I did it." I said to myself.

"Good job buggie." Stiles smiled at me.

"Thanks buddy."

The van came to a halt outside the broken down church I remember so vividly from about three months ago.

"I can't believe I made it." Liam said once he was back to himself. "For a minute there, I thought I was gonna tear the two of you apart."

"Yeah. That would've made for an awkward ride home. So, thanks." Stiles said, making me laugh.

"Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside La Iglesia?" Derek asked.

Liam looked right at him and threw his hand out, his claws coming through as he still stayed calm. 

"Alright. We might actually be able to do this." Stiles said.

"Good boost of confidence there," I said, as Derek opened the back door to the van.

He was greeted by a berserker who grabbed him and slammed him against a rock, stabbing him three times with the extra long bone on his hand until Braedon started firing a shotgun at it. Stunning it until it retreated.

I jumped out of the van at the same time Peter and Malia did and ran over to my brother who rapped his arms around me tightly immediately the same action was taken by Liam.

Braedon ran to Derek who was now in a sitting position, grasping his side, Braedon took a look at the bloody wound, it was deep.

"How bad is it?" Peter asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just get to Scott." Derek lied. "Just find him. We'll be right behind you." Derek panted. "Go. Go!" He shouted and we all ran in. "Hey, hey!" Derek called to Stiles. "Save him."

"Okay, everyone stop, stop, stop, stop, stop." Peter said, stopping everyone from running through the church "We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

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