chapter twenty one: easy there pep rally with legs

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The next morning I got up and was ready quickly as I was excited to see Liam and turned the corner to see Malia and Stiles making out in Stiles' bed.

"Ugh ew okay it's like 7AM yuck!" I said shielding my eyes. "You're gonna be late," I smiled as he reluctantly got out of bed.

"So I'm told," He said sliding past me to get to the bathroom.

"Good morning Malia isn't today beautiful?! Do you want breakfast? Come on let's go make pancakes." I smiled grabbing her hand and beginning to pull her.

"Woah, easy there pep rally with legs. What's up with you? I mean I'm all for pancakes, but you are totally team Lydia." Malia said.

"Liam said he loves me," I grinned.

"Aw, cute." Malia said, not being enthusiastic at all.

"This is why I'm team Lydia, no pancakes for you." I said leaving in a huff.


Arriving at school I saw Liam stepping on the field for early morning practice and ran up to him.

"Hey bubba," I whispered slightly beside him as he turned around to face me.

"Hey beautiful," He grinned wrapping his arms around me, kissing me lightly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Better than on a bench in the sheriff's station I could tell you that." I laughed.

"I would imagine." He chuckled.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Not good." He sighed.

"Still having nightmares?" I asked.

"Yeah. Nothing a few kisses can't kiss." He grinned as I kissed him again. "I have to go warm up, see you in bio. I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too," I said, going to sit on the bleachers to study for my history test.


Liam decided not to hang with me during free period, he wanted to lift weights for the game instead and I said it was fine, I wanted to hang with my brother and Lydia.

"So how's life?" Lydia asked.

"Lovely." I smiled.

"What is up with you? You're like a pep rally with legs." Stiles asked chuckling.

"Your girlfriend said that this morning." I smiled. "Nothing. I'm just happy everything's working out for once.

After school Liam and I had decided to go to my house and study, well make out a little more than study when there was two knocks on my door we separated and he sat on the floor.

"Come in!" I said and my dad opened door, looking incredibly happy.

"Come with me." He grinned. 

I pulled Liam off the floor as we walked to Stiles' room where him and Malia were studying, really.

"Drop what you're doing. I'm taking you all out to dinner. Whatever you want." My dad said.

"Dad, I don't think a man of your debts should be treating anyone to anything." Stiles said.

"Well, there's one debt we no longer have to worry about." My dad said.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the envelope in his back pocket.

"This, my beautiful daughter, is a letter of apology from Eichen House. Apparently, they've decided to forgive our debt due to... Well, you, Stiles, and Lydia almost getting murdered." My dad said.

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