chapter nine: cyclones

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My alarm blared at 5AM and I had never been so happy to be woken up this early on a Sunday. I jumped to my feet and turned on my music at a lower volume as I knew my brother was still fast asleep on the other side of the wall. Jogging to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading back to my pink bedroom. Dancing away my fears to some 5 Seconds of Summer, I grabbed my phone and called Blake.

"Wakey-wakey chickadee!" I chirped into the phone. "Hold on we have to get Charlotte in here." I dialed Char and patched her through to a group call. "You know what day it is?" I asked happily.

"The only reason I roll my ass out of bed at 5AM on a Sunday," Blake laughed.

"It's Classic day my loves!" I cheered.

"I better see you skinny bitches on the bus in an hour!" Charlotte said.

"Yeah, I should probably find my uniform." Blake said.

"Don't screw with me bitch! I'll kick your ass of the squad!" I laughed.

"Relax Brooke, I'm wearing it as we speak." Blake said.

"Love you guys!" I said hanging up.

I grabbed my makeup and quickly brushed on my everyday face makeup, soon moving to my eyes. I covered my lid with a white shimmer base and put grey in my crease, blending it out I got a very subtle smokey look and added in some maroon for spirit. Applying my eyeliner and mascara I let them dry. After I applied blush and highlight on my cheek bones, I then took out my face paint and painted a maroon BH on my cheek and put a white star sticker on the corner of my eye. I then put on my black spandex and grey shell for my arms, I took this time to brush my hair and secure it in my high pony with my bow. I pinned everything back and hairspray my head stiff as I always do. Returning to my room it was now 5:45 and I slipped into my maroon uniform that made me feel like a million bucks. I grabbed my all white cheer shoes with a maroon nike check. I grabbed my varsity jacket and placed it inside my cheer bag, along with extra hair ties, bobby pins, hair spray, an extra pair of spandex, my sweats for after our performance, vaseline, and gum. I picked up my bag and shut off my music and lights, skipping over to Stiles' room, it was now 5:50 and I had to wake him up. 

I knocked twice on the door before opening it, "Come on big bro, shake your tale feather! It's classic day!" I said, and he grunted in response. "Stiles..Don't make me..." I hummed placing my bag on the floor.

"Brooke, five more minutes.." He whined, but it was too late. I launched myself onto his bed and jumped up and down. "Brooke! Okay, I'm up! I'm up you loser! Go make me food! I'll be down in ten." He laughed.

"Damn right," I smiled jumping off his bed and going over to the door. "Oh, don't forget you're bringing Liam to the classic." I reminded him.

"I'm not going to the classic. I bring you to the bus, and then I hang out with Scott." He said stretching and walking past me to the bathroom.

"Not this year, you go support your sister as the first ever freshman captain of a varsity sport, lead cyclones to their first victory in five years at the classic! Come on Stiles, Lydia's going, so are Kira and Scott, bring Malia too, but I promised Liam you would take him. Plus, you're my brother. Please." I begged, now the two of us were standing in the bathroom door way.

"Ugh, fine! Let me pee!" Stiles said, closing the door.

"I love you!" I yelled.

"Yeah, yeah." He said. I picked up my things again and hopped down the stairs into the kitchen where my dad was pouring himself coffee.

"Morning Daddy!" I said chipper, kissing his cheek.

"Morning princess," My dad said turning to see me. "Well, if my daughter isn't the prettiest varsity cheerleader, the world must be a twisted place." He smiled.

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