chapter sixteen: hit me in the face

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I was sleeping peacefully in my bed when I woke up to the sound of Stiles talking to himself on the other side of my wall, I started banging my fist on the wall but it had no affect and if I hit it any harder my dad would be woken up as well. I angrily ripped my covers off my bed shoved my feet in my slippers, the ends of my flannel pants tucking themselves inside them. I opened my door and stomped into my brothers room where he was tossing and turning mumbling gibberish to himself, but he didn't sound terrified, he sounded happy. None the less, it was three in the morning and I would not be happy waking up to be at the high school tomorrow morning at nine for a basketball game if he kept up the chatter. 

"Stiles," I said, and he didn't respond.

"Stiles," I said growing slightly louder, but still nothing.

I trudged up to the side of him bed and grabbed the pillow he wasn't laying on and in one swoop smacked him with it and he sat straight up.

"Jesus Brooke, what?" He said, looking around, confused.

"Shut up, you're talking." I said.

"Well, yes I'm talking, you just hit me in the face with a pillow," Stiles said, still seeming dazed and a little upset.

"I meant in your sleep," I groaned.

"Oh," He said, and his facial features seemed as though I had made sense of what was going on in his head.

"Stiles, what's the matter?" I asked, sitting cross legged on his bed. 

"Malia would usually sneak in, but she's so mad. I know she is, I would be." Stiles said.

"She'll come around, it's barely been six hours since she found out, just relax okay?" I said, rubbing his arm before standing up to leave.

"Goodnight Brooke," Stiles said.

"Night buddy." I said, shutting his door behind me and going back to my own room, to enjoy my interrupted slumber for the next five hours.


I was literally about to murder Stiles when I heard him talking again, only this time he was in my door way, and it was daylight. 

"Brooke Claudia Stilinski!" Stiles shouted until I sat up quickly, being fully awake at that point. "What the hell are you still doing in bed? It's 8:30!" 

I grabbed my clock off my night table and sure enough Stiles wasn't lying.

"Shit, no no no. Stiles I'm so late help." I shouted running past him to the bathroom.

"How do you want me to help? Dress you? Brush your teeth?" Stiles asked slightly chuckling.

"This isn't funny! I'm the captain you jerk!" I said, shoving my toothbrush in my mouth, nearly choking myself.

"Actually, it's really funny, I pushed your clock a half hour. It's 8 AM." Stiles laughed. 

"Ugh!" I grunted, throwing anything I could grab off the counter at my brother who was in the bathroom door way. Hair brushes, toothpaste, lotion, his toothbrush, and three paper cups.

"Wakey-wakey baby sis! That's payback for classic day." He said as I rinsed my mouth.

"You better be making me a real breakfast after that," I said, walking back to my room.

"I'll do you one better, we can stop and get shake shack on the way." Stiles said, flopping on my bed.

"Yay," I grinned and smacked his leg so he could stand up as I pulled my sheet and comforter up and threw my throw pillows on the bed before he flopped back down.

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