chapter eighteen: beep

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Stiles, Lydia, and I had gotten up early the next morning to go to the sheriff's department to talk to my dad.

"It's not just that she could still be alive." Stiles said.

"It's that she would've had to fake her death." Lydia added.

"Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" My dad asked in disbelief.

"Definitely." Stiles jumped the gun.

"Maybe." I said, giving him a look.

"More than likely, yes." Stiles told him.

"Oh, I'm guessing you got a story to back this up?" My dad asked.

"She might be helping The Benefactor." Lydia said.

"Or is The Benefactor." I said.

"That sounds like a story worth hearing." My dad said closing his office door.

Lydia had barely started talking when my dad got up and opened the door, poking his head out. "Anybody seen Parrish? Haigh?" 

"Haven't seen him." The deputy replied.

My dad shut the door and Lydia started talking again when a fully nude Parrish came through the door, covered in ash and soot.

"Uh, Dad?" I pointed and Stiles put his hands over my eyes.

The next thing I heard were gunshots and I peeled my brothers hands from my face as my dad opened the door, his weapon in hand.

"Hey. Hey!" My dad called but Parrish threw a punch, resulting in Haigh firing his gun off, hitting my dad in the shoulder.

"Dad!" I screamed as Lydia shrieked, wrapping her arms around me while Stiles went to his side.

Ultimately, the fight ended when Parrish knocked Haigh out and nearly killed him in the middle of the Sheriff's department.

An ambulance came and got my dad, brother and I and the three of us were currently in his room talking to a surgeon.

"All right, Mr. Stilinski..." The doctor started.

"Sheriff." My brother interjected, my arm looped through his.

"Sheriff Stilinski. I've got you scheduled for surgery first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, it's going to take a little digging to get that slug out of your shoulder." The doctor said.

"Yeah, it's fine." He agreed as the doctor was about to leave. "One more. What's this part here? This line?" My dad asked about the paper work.

"Patient Responsibility. Parts of the procedure and hospital stay not covered by insurance." The doctor explained.

"Are those big parts? Expensive parts?" My dad asked.

"That's between you and your insurance unfortunately. You should start feeling the morphine in a minute. Try to get some rest, Mr... Sheriff. " The doctor corrected, looking at Stiles.

Stiles started, biting his nails and I sighed heavily.

"Hey, stop that. I was just curious about the terminology.We're not in any kind of dire straits." My dad lied.

"We know about the bills, Dad." I said and he looked shocked.

"We know about the collectors calling about Eichen House. We know about the advance from the department, about the credit cards." My brother said. 

"Stiles, are you going through my stuff?" My dad asked, knowing he's the nosey one and he just tells me what he knows.

"Yeah, I go through all of your stuff. Especially when you keep things from me." Stiles admitted.

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