chapter ten: party with cheerleaders?

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Making it back to Beacon Hills High just moments before my brother and his friends did. Stiles came over and took the trophy to put it in the back of his jeep while Liam came over to me.

"Mason and Garrett want in. If Garrett's in Violet's in too." He told me, lacing his fingers in mine.

"Yeah, cool." I smiled, looking back to my team. "Who needs a ride to my house?" A few girls raised their hands, including Charlotte and Blake. "Okay... Lydia? How much room you got?" I asked and she thought for a second.

"Legally? I have four open seats but if we need to squeeze we can fit six on laps." She smiled.

"Okay, Stiles' jeep has two open seats but we can squeeze three." I said.

"Oh, Stiles said I can sit in the trunk." Liam said.

"That's dangerous so no." I laughed. "Okay, theres eleven of us and ten seats... Liam you could sit in the front with me."

"Uh, how?" He laughed.

"I sit on your lap? Are you new to this earth?" I smiled.

"Oh, yeah, bright idea. You're brother less than a foot from me, while you sit on my lap. Awesome." He said, nervously smiling.

"I'll handle Stiles. Okay so, Kim, Teresa, Tiffany, and Char, you're with me. Blake and the gang with Lydia." I smiled, beginning to walk away.

"Brooke, can I go with you? Nothing against Lydia, but..." Blake said, shifting her eyes toward my brother.

"Blake honey, why do you think I put you with Lydia?" I laughed.

"That is so not fair!" She smiled and walked back to Lydia's car.

"Alright, come on." I said walking to the jeep where my brother opened the trunk.

"Come on Liam, you're on trophy duty." Stiles said, patting the back of his jeep.

"Stiles, don't be ridiculous. Liam can not sit in the trunk. God forbid we get rear ended, he'll get crushed. Plus, the way you drive, he'd get a concussion." I said, pulling the passenger side seat forward to let the girls squeeze in the back.

"Alright, then it's going to be a tight squeeze with five people in the back-" Stiles stopped when he saw me closing the seat to the back, with Liam still beside me. "Oh no. Oh no no no no. You will not sit on his lap, no freaking way in hell!" Stiles yelled.

Liam looked at me scared and I nodded my head toward the door, telling him to get in.

"Brooke, I'm serious." Stiles said.

"Brooke, I'm scared." Liam looked at me.

"He won't touch you, get in." I smiled and he climbed in.

"Brooke Claudia Stilinski! If you get in that front seat I will personally pry you of his lap!" Stiles said and I gave him a 'test me' look and crawled in shutting the door. "I just won't drive the car."

"Stiles." I said and he wouldn't turn around. "Stiles, look at me." I heard him grunt as he turned to face me, arms across his chest. "Three words. Fourth Grade. Lydia."

He looked at me and tapped his foot on the pavement, before climbing in and starting the car.

"What happened with Lydia in fourth grade?" Liam whispered.

"Oh, when he was in fourth grade, Stiles-" I started.

"Nope!" Stiles yelled over my talking, and I stopped telling the story laughing to myself.

"The bitch is definitely back," Charlotte said.

"Oh yeah." I laughed. 

When we pulled up to my house I climbed out of the car before my dad could see and I ran up to him, now in his uniform.

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