chapter twenty four: gone, but never forgotten

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That Saturday I was feeling oddly empty, like I had been missing something. I had been in bed all morning, still in my pajamas just feeling.. off. The door opened and in came Scott and Stiles, I had been in the fetal position just out of comfort really, but Stiles climbed onto the right side of my bed and Scott on the left.

"What's the matter buggie?" Scott asked.

"You've been in bed all day, Liam keeps calling me. He's worried about you." Stiles said.

"We're worried about you." Scott said.

"I just feel off. I can't describe it." I said.

"When was the last time you felt like this?" Scott asked and I didn't respond.

"When Allison died." Stiles said and I nodded.

"When was the last time you went to see Allison?" Scott asked.

"When was the last time I had a moment to breathe?" I asked.

"Her funeral..." Stiles concluded.

"That's it, I'm bring in the big guns." Scott said standing up.


The door opened to my bedroom and in walked Lydia, who gave Stiles a look and he left . Lydia kicked off her shoes and crawled into my bed, wrapping her arms around my body and pulling it to her own.

"Okay, either cry or talk to me. I'm prepared for both." Lydia said and I felt tears fall from my eyes.

"I miss Allison."

"Oh sweetheart I know you do. We all do." Lydia soothed, brushing her fingers through my messy hair.

"It hurts me so much, Lydia." I cried.

"Sh, sh, she. I know." She said, holding me tightly.

After that I could only remember crying until I eventually fell asleep. Soon to be woken up by talking in my room, but I kept my eyes closed.

"She's really torn up. I don't know what to do." Lydia said.

"Yeah but why is the reaction so late?" Scott asked.

"I wouldn't say late, she was much worse than this when it first happened but she wasn't done grieving when we were, and then she was forced into Mexico and the Calavera's too soon. She was distracted by all the fuss that she forgot." Stiles said.

"Exactly." Lydia said, taking a breath. "Call Liam, maybe he can help."

"Her boyfriend in her bed? Alone? While she's emotional and vulnerable? Uh-uh no way." Stiles defended.

"Stiles, he's not a sleeze. He really cares about her." Lydia said.

"Who are you trying to fool? You like him." Scott said.

"I don't know." Stiles said.

"I'll call him." Lydia said.

"You will do no such thing." Stiles said and I could hear Lydia's phone beeping as she dialed the numbers.

"Liam? Hey, it's Lydia." I heard her.

"She did. Okay." Stiles said.

I passed out again not long after that and was woken up by a soft whisper calling my name.

"Brooke." I heard the voice as somebody lightly rubbed my arm, I assumed they were the same people. I opened my eyes to see the blurry shape of my boyfriend, who smiled at the sight of me. "Hey pretty girl, slide over."

I did as I was told and Liam sat down beside me, putting his arm around me and kissing the top of my head.

"Now, tell me what's the matter."

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