chapter twelve: wads and wads

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My dad and I sped off to the high school and I ran frantically inside. 

"Brooke!" I heard my dad call behind me but I didn't care.

I raced inside and looked left and right for the face of my all to familiar bother.

"Scott!" I shouted when I turned the corner and saw him talking to his dad at the end of the hall.

I barreled toward him and threw myself into his arms.

"Hey buggie." Scott said squeezing me tight.

"You had me scared shitless!" I said punching his chest.

"I told you you're stuck with me forever, I'm not going anywhere." Scott winked.

"So you're sure you're okay?" Agent McCall spoke up.

"Dad, really. I'm okay." Scott said.

"I should've been here. And I said I would be at the games. "

"Well, I mean this was just a pre-season scrimmage. I didn't even tell you about it." Scott said.

 "But I promised your mom I'd be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been here." Agent McCall said.

"Yeah you should have been." I said, sort of accidentally.

"Down girl," Scott teased. "You're here now." Scott told him father.

"Still such a feisty little Brooke," Agent McCall laughed.

"Sorry," I laughed as Scott wrapped his arm around me.

"Sheriff, what is that? Is that the weapon?" McCall asked my dad as he walked by with an evidence bag.

"Yeah. It's a thermo-cut wire." My dad answered, handing off the bag.

"Parrish, hold up!" Scott's dad disappeared, leaving us supernaturals at the end of the hall.

"Where's Kira?" Scott asked.

"She took off. Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the Dead Pool." Liam answered.

"Her mom's on it." Scott said.

"Everyone's on it." Liam said.

"You're not." I said looking to him, grabbing his hand.

"Not yet. There's still another third, right?" Liam said.

"Wait, where the hell is my brother?" I asked, looking around.

"Oh, about him." Scott said.

"Liam," I said.

"Scott, empty locker room. Let's check now." Liam said to Scott.

"Check what?" I asked.

"Garrett's bag." Scott told me.

"Liam keep watch." Scott said as him and I went to Garret's locker.

We were searching through when Scott grabbed his duffle, unzipping it to reveal wads and wads of cash.

"I think someone's coming. Hurry. You find anything?" Liam whispered.

"No. Nothing." Scott responded looking up to me.

Great, more secrets.


Liam, Mason, and I were jogging through the woods making small talk about the recent findings.

"It's not just that we were friends with them. They were using us for their cover. I mean, professional killers were using us. How are you not freaking out about that?" Mason asked.

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