chapter fifteen: wonderful world

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Stiles and I were rummaging through coaches office when we noticed the black ink on the coffee mug, just like the thumb print we had to do for the test.

"I was wondering how that idiot got sick." Stiles shot up and stood in front of me with his arm out, that creepy teacher was there with a gun. "I'm also wondering where your friends are. Since in order to get paid by the benefactor, I need to have proof they're dead."

"Visual confirmation." Stiles said.

"Exactly." He obliged.

"Still a bit feverish, Mr. Stilinski. But you should know something, the virus doesn't kill humans, you'll get better. So don't you think you should tell me where they are? Shouldn't one of you get to live?" He asked, as we backed out of coaches office, Stiles still body blocking me.

"I think I saw them in the library. Or it might've been the cafeteria. It was definitely one of those two." Stiles said.

"I'm going to count to three, and then I'm going to kill her." He said, shoving Stiles out of the way and grabbing me.

"Think you can scare me?" I said.

"No, I think I can kill you. I just thought the countdown would make it more exciting. So..."

"Hey! Stop!" Stiles shouted.


"No, don't!" Stiles cried.

" Two... "

"Thats my little sister you prick!" Stiles whimpered.

There was a gunshot and I felt my face covered in blood.

"No!" Stiles yelled when he heard it.

Only the blood wasn't mine, it was the teachers.

I was spitting blood and panting heavily when Stiles finally looked up and saw me, running at me, and wrapping his arms around me as I began balling and he pet my head.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Stiles asked through tears.

"Stiles, listen. I got a call from Melissa. I don't know what it means. She said there's an antidote. It's in a vault, reishi mushrooms." Agent McCall said.

"Wait, what in a vault?" Stiles said still holding on to me.

"It's in a jar on one of the shelves. She said to tell Scott, it's in the vault." Agent McCall said as Stiles let go of me and gave me to Scott's dad.

"I'll be right back, I promise."

"Hell no, I'm going." I said, running down with him.

"Hey, Scott? Scotty? In the vault, in there with you. It's called reishi mushrooms. Scott? Scott, open the door! It's in there with you. It's in a jar, it's on one of the shelves. Scott! Scott, can you hear me?" Stiles said banging on the door.

"Scott!" I shouted crying. "Scott!" I whimpered, as Stiles and I collapsed on the floor, his arms around me as I cried.

We heard a crash of glass and a scream.

"Scott?" I said, the door opened soon and we saw Scott on the floor before it.

After having there bro moment I attacked Scott in a hug before Scott went to Kira.

"Hey, Malia?" Stiles said as Malia walked out.

The dead pool was on the floor and right there in plain english it read.

Maila Hale. 4


"Brooke!" My dad shouted as I ran toward him in the hall, blood still staining my face and clothes. "What happened to you?" He asked examine every inch of me but I couldn't formulate a sentence.

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