chapter six: nice moves

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"An axe murderer?"

"A family murdering axe murderer." Stiles rambled as we walked down the hall.

"I already heard about it." Scott said.

"Wait. What? You did? How?" I asked confused, the only reason I knew is because of my dad.

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news." Scott explained.

"Perfect. Let's go." My brother said.

"Whoa, whoa. We've got Econ in five minutes." Scott said, going all nerdy.

"Alright. Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?" Stiles repeated.

"Did you forget that your dad's the sheriff? They want us to stay out of it." Scott said.

"Are you guys kidding me? There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?" Stiles asked.

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it." Kira agreed with Scott.

"So the two of you, you just want to stay here, at school, go to class." Stiles said looking at them, who said nothing. "Brooke?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life." Stiles said beginning to walk away.

"See you at tryouts?" Scott asked and my brother flailed his arms spastically as he walked away. "Hey, so that thing you wanted to talk about..." Scott said to Kira.

Damnit Lydia. Where are you?


"Yeah. Can we talk later? After tryouts? Do you mind waiting? It won't be that long." Scott said.

"Um... I... Sure." Kira said, clearly hoping they could talk now.

"Great. See you then." Scott said and kissed her lips quickly, running off.

 "Oh my god." I said.

Kira looked just as shocked as I was.

"I dont-" Kira said.

"Shh. It's okay." I laughed. 

After leaving Kira I finished the day and walked Liam to the locker room. "Meet here?" I asked.

"You got it." He smiled.

I walked out to the field and found Kira who was sitting with Malia on the bleachers. Kira playing with a lacrosse stick and Malia doing homework. I sat between the two of them and it was pretty much silent. I watched my brother collapse on the field after running and Scott lifted him up dragging him away as I chuckled.

"He's probably gonna puke." I laughed, making Malia look up, then back down. "Hey Malia."

"Yeah." She said looking at me.

"I'm sorry for the way I talked to you in Mexico. I was just spiteful that my brother spends so much time with you. We're really close and things just changed so quick, I shouldn't have taken it out on you." I said.

"Oh, Brooke, it's okay, you didn't offend me. I understand." She told me and then took a deep inhale. "What's wrong with you?"

"Me? Nothing." Kira lied her ass off.

"You reek of anxiety. And it's distracting. What's going on?" Malia said.

"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen. But it wasn't much of a thing. And I'm starting to think it never was anything at all." Kira rambled.

"What do you want it to be?" I asked.

"More." Kira replied.

"Well he's awkward, he'll come around." I told her.

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