chapter seven: you bit him?

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I was fast asleep in my bed when I heard the scattered, clumsy feet that I'm sure are attached to my brother. I jumped up and ran into his room.

"Stiles. What the hell are you doing?" 

"Nothing, Brooke go back to bed." He said with car keys in his hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Nowhere," He lied.

"I'm calling Scott." I said.

"No!" Stiles yelled. "Oh my god fine, get your shoes fast." 

I hurried to my room and grabbed some boots and a sweatshirt.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Scott's something happened, I didn't get much. Just to hurry." Stiles explained, flooring it through the streets of our town. 

As we haunted to a stop outside the McCall residence, Stiles and I ran in to see Scott frantically pacing.

"Ah there you are- oh Brooke.. Brooke is here?" Scott asked, looking to Stiles.

"Yes, hi." I said confused.

Scott pulled Stiles close and they started whispering and Stiles' eyes went wide.

"Brooke go wait in the jeep." He said.

"Hell no. I'm staying." I said crossing my arms.

The two of them looking to each other and sighing in defeat.

"What did you tell your dad again?" Scott asked as we started walking down the hall.

"Like I said, I told my dad everything I could." Stiles said.

"But you didn't tell him about-" Scott said looking at me and failing to whisper. "Liam?"

"Liam? What's wrong with Liam?" I asked and Stiles looked to me concerned but ignored my question.

"You barely told me about Liam. What did you do with him anyway?" My brother asked.

"He's upstairs." Scott said.

"Wait he's here?"

"Doing what?" My brother asked.

"Lying down."

The three of us walked upstairs into the bathroom were Scott pulled back the shower curtain to reveal Liam wrapped in duct tape. He grunted through the tape on his mouth and looked to me for help, but Stiles shut the curtain.

The boys walked into the bedroom and I followed.

"So you bit him." Stiles said.


"What?! You bit him?!" I yelled.

"And you kidnapped him." Stiles confirmed.


"You bit him? You wonder why I don't bring boys home, you guys are weird."

"And brought him here." Stiles said.

"I panicked."

"Yup. This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?" Stiles asked and you heard Liams muffled cries from the bathroom. 

"Stiles!" I said nudging my head toward the bathroom, asking to go get him.

"As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck." Stiles said.

"I know. Which is why I called you. So, what do we do?" He asked.

 My brother sighed looked at me, "Brooke get the chair from Scott's desk, Scott come with me and get the boy."

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