chapter eight: cipher key

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I was wandering the party and none of the girls from the squad were here, so I figured I should probably go check on Scott and Kira. When I got there the two of them were sitting on the dock, just staring at Liam.

"I can hear the music from the house." Scott said.

"What are they playing?" Kira asked.

 "Electronic." Scott said.

"I wish they still played slow songs at parties. At my old school we used to at least have a few." Kira said.

"Why do you like the slow ones?" I asked.

"I was always better at slow dancing." She laughed nervously.

"Come here." Scott said.

Pulling out his phone he put on a slow song, and held his hand out.

"What about him?" Kira asked, referring to Liam who seems to be unconscious.

"He can dance with me next time." Scott joked.

"I'll watch him." I smiled.

"So how are you so good at staying in control on a full moon?" Kira asked about Scott controlling the shift.

"A lot of it's about making sure that my pulse doesn't get too fast. And my heart rate doesn't go up." Scott said.

"So you've mastered it?" Kira said.

"It still takes a lot of concentration." Scott says.

"So if something distracts you..." Kira said kissing his cheek.

"I'm indistractable." Scott said. 

Kira then started biting Scott's ear.

"Nothing." He lied.

"Then why are your eyes glowing?" I asked.

 Scott closed his eyes an shook his head back and forth. "Cheater." Scott whined.

"I also just heard you growl." Kira said.

"That wasn't him." I said standing up.

Liam was waking up and he was growling, and boy did he look angry. 

"Are those chains going to hold him?" Kira asked.

"Uh. Yeah. I think. Definitely. He can't be that strong..." Scott said as Liam ripped through the chains and charged us.

We all stepped out of the way and Liam crashed through the window running into the woods.

"I should have stayed with Lydia." 

"I have to after him." Scott said running.

"Scott wait!" I yelled running after him. 

"Brooke, what are you doing!?" Kira yelled.

"I have these!" I said, showing her the Chinese ring daggers Allison's dad gave to me.

"You're gonna stab your boyfriend?!"

"If it comes down to it! And he's not my boyfriend!" I said running off.

After running through the woods for ten minutes I ran into a body.

"Scott?" I asked as it was too dark to see.

"Brooke?" I heard the voice, I missed so much.

"Chris!" I rejoiced wrapping my arms around him.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Scott's in trouble," I said and just then we heard Liam screaming. 

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