Chapter Twenty-Three

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Shelly's POV

The next morning I had to get up earlier then normal so I could get ready for school and still have enough time to help Kyle. All morning he's been complaining that he doesn't need help and can do everything on his own. In all honesty, I probably was going a little overboard. Kyle did seem able to do a lot on his own. I think it was just my second nature to take care of him. Luckily though, there was no awkwardness between us after having our little sex talk last night. I was afraid there would be, but Kyle being the sweetheart that he is, brushed it off like it never happened. I believed him wholeheartedly when he said that he wanted to sleep with me. Although I do believe that it would be different for us. Before Kyle would just sleep with girls for the hell of it. Never had he had a girlfriend that he loves. I couldn't judge him for it. We didn't know each other. I guess in time we'll see if it will even happen.

Kyle and I walked into the school together hand in hand and it seemed like every eye was on us. I knew it wouldn't be long until someone asked where we had been, I just wasn't looking forward to it.

We walk to Kyle's locker to get his things and like every other day, the cheerleaders and half the football team is there. As we approach I see Dalton step away from the crowd and make a b-line for us.

"Kyle man where have you been?" Dalton asked. Of course he had to be the first to ask. I didn't really like Dalton, more like tolerated him for Kyle's behalf. It's like as soon as Kyle's name left his lips everyone turned to see if Kyle was indeed back at school.

"I was out of town." Kyle said simply. We hadn't talked about what we would say once people started asking. According to Kyle, Kc and the guys knew everything, aside from Kyle being shot. They knew what Corey was like. They knew I was taken, and they also knew that Kyle came to my rescue. Other then that though, they didn't have any details and I hadn't even tried to text any of them.

"Oh yeah?" Dalton asked. "I heard you two ran off to get married."

Married? Stupid rumors. The thought of Kyle wanting to marry me was very comical. I couldn't hold in my laughter. Kyle looked over at me.  

"So the thought of being married to me is funny huh?" Kyle asked arching an eyebrow and jabbing me in the ribs with his finger. I could tell he was having a problem not laughing as well.

When I get my laughter under control I say, "I couldn't marry you. You're to much of a slob. You don't put your dirty clothes in the hamper, you always make me cook dinner, and you sit around watching sports shows all the time."

He then fakes hurt and retorts, "Well you're not all that's cracked up to be either darling. You steal the covers, burn my pork chops, and watch Teen Mom. Which in turn makes me steal the remote to watch sports to reinstate my male dominance."

To this everyone started laughing, apart from Olivia. Looks like someone's still mad about it. Oh well though, I have other stuff to worry about.

"So," Dalton said after everyone had stopped laughing. "Where have you been?"

"I've been away. Don't worry about it." Kyle said. He moved forward taking my hand, and dials in is combination. When he has is books for the morning I quickly take them from him. Kyle give me a look trying to tell me he's not useless. I just smile back and turn towards my locker.

After I walked Kyle to his history class and telling him to text me if he needs anything, I head off to Mr. Elder's room. As I walk in I see Kc sitting in the chair next to mine.

Before I can even get sat down Kc starts in on his questioning. "Shelly Tinsley, where have you and Kyle been? There's been crazy rumors. Like, you two ran off and got married, to you were pregnant and you both were transferred to a parenting school. And you missy have not text or called me back in over a week."

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