Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kyle's POV

I feel as if a freight train, prize fighter, wrecking ball, and a semi truck just hit me all at once. I felt sick. My stomach was churning and it wasn't good feeling. I couldn't breath. My heart had stopped pounding in my chest for about two seconds and was now trying to rip itself out. I'm sure Shelly could hear it. Hell, all I could hear was what she just said echoing in my ears as well as my frantic heartbeat.

"Huh?" I said brilliantly. I'm sure I heard her wrong. There's no way she was p-p-pre, I can't even say it. This had to be a mistake. We didn't use a condom once. Well, more like three times, but it was all in one night. Every other time we used one, on top of her pills. Yeah, this had to be some kind of a mistake.

"I'm pregnant." She said again so soft that I barely heard her, but hear her I did. The weight hit me again once she said it. Was it possible she read the test wrong?

"Do you still have the test?" I found myself whispering as well. As much as I wanted a family with Shelly, it was to soon. Way to soon. We didn't even plan to get married until I was out of college, and then possibly not until after I got signed to a team. Throwing a baby in the mix was just crazy.

She nodded her head and pulled a paper towel out of her pocket. Why was it in there? That's a really odd place for it to be.

Shelly unwrapped the test that would seal my fate to her even more and handed it to me. I gently took it out of her hand, grabbing it so gently that I thought it might break if I took hold to tight. I looked down at the little stink and cussed under my breath.


A mixer of emotions crashes through me. I was happy, no ecstatic, scared shitless, nervous, hopeful, angry, but mostly anxious. Suddenly I found myself wanting this baby more then anything else in the world. More then a full ride scholarship, more then to be a starter in college, and even more then being a starter in the professional league. Before I could stop myself I was having a mini slide show playing in my head. Things from the night of the wedding, to Shelly being hugely pregnant, to her cussing at me to go get whatever crazy thing she suddenly got a craving for, to rushing her to the hospital in the middle of the night, her cussing me again for doing this to her, to holding a tiny pink blanket in my arms.

"I'm so sorry. I've ruined your life." Shelly said cutting off my vision of our future. Why is she sorry? What does she have to be sorry for? And where is she getting that shes ruined my life? I did this. I should've worn a condom. But hey, shit happens and you deal with it. There's no point in crying over spilled milk. 

"You haven't ruined anything baby." I said still not able to take my eyes off this fragile stick in my hands.

"Yes I have Kyle!" She bellowed at me. I finally look up at her and saw the tears threatening to spill over. "You can't get signed now. I've ruined your life. You can't go away to college now. You can't go have a good time like a normal eighteen year old freshman college boy should. You cant-"

"Stop." I said sternly interrupting her rant. "Stop that kind of thinking right now." I set the test on her besides table and reached up, cupping her face in between my hands.

"You have not ruined my life Shelly. We will figure this out. There's plenty of major division l schools around here. Hell, I don't even need division l to be happy. I can easily accept from one of the offers I get and you and the baby will move with me. We can get an apartment right next to the campus. If I get drafted then we can move again, or you can pick a place you would like to live and we'll buy a permanent house there. You have not ruined my life. But I gotta ask you something and I don't want you upset with me."

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