chapter eight

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IoHello everyone!! Chapter eight. Enjoy!!!

Kyle's POV

I watch Shelly walk inside and pull out of her driveway. Why can I not make this girl fall for my charm and usual tricks? She's so different, most girls were already in bed with me. I'm going to need to step my game up, big time.

I decide to do something nice and totally not me. I drive to the nearest flower shop to buy her some tulips, not even knowing what her favorite flower is. Why am I doing this again? Oh right, because I'm trying to make a move and say sorry for the restaurant at the same time.

Paying for them I head to her car. Pulling in next to it I hop out and open her driver's side door. She really shouldn't leave her car unlocked. I mean, it's not a bad neighborhood at all, but you can never be to cautious.

I place the flowers in her seat along with the card that took me ten minutes to write. I had no idea how to talk to a girl if I wasn't trying to pick her up. I locked her doors and headed home.

My dad wasn't home, already in Miami. The house was eerily quiet, and I couldn't stand it. I walk into the den and turn on the stereo. Because Shelly wanted to leave so quickly I still hadn't gotten a chance to eat.

I walk into the kitchen and make the only thing I can, scrambled eggs. Cracking the eggs into a bowl it hits me how to win the stubborn, hard headed, and beautiful Shelly. It'll take time, alot of time, but it will have a one-hundred percent chance of being successful.

I'd need help though, but who to ask? I couldn't go to Dalton, he'd know I was having trouble pick up a chick then he'd tell everyone I was losing my edge. Andy might, but then again he was against the whole 'use a girl then drop her'. There's Kc, but he wanted her too.

I scramble the eggs and put them on a plate and head to the kitchen table. There's Victor. He's good with the ladies. At a part two weeks ago at Dalton's after game party I heard he hooked up with three different girls. Plus he was on the inside with Shelly.

I wonder if he'd go against his friendship with Kc to help me out though. Maybe I could bribe him. I know he's been wanting Olivia for a few years now. Yeah, that'll do it. I finished eating and washed my plate and headed to my room to go to sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day. Maybe not physically long, but emotionally. This has to work, if it doesn't, nothing will.

I wake up and dress quickly and head to school, hoping to talk to Victor before school. Victor is on the football team with me, and every morning he's in the weight room.

Pulling into the school lot, I park and run to the weight room. Stepping in a see Victor already in there doing squats. I rush over to him determined to make this work.

Walking up to him I say, "Victor, I need your help." Please, please, please help me!

Victor looks at me eyes wide and drops his weights. "That's a first. I know this isn't about football, we dont have any classes together so I know it's not that. What could you need my help with?"

"If I ask this of you, you can't tell anyone, and I'll do whatever you want. I can even help you get Olivia." I say back keeping my voice low. At this point I'm desperate enough I'd beg on my knees.

"Come spot me. I'm listening." We walk over to the bench press and he adds another 40 pounds. Victor lays down and I go behind him taking the spotter position.

"First things first. Do I have your word you won't say anything?" I have to make sure this doesn't get out, to anyone.

"Yeah. What's up? I've never seen you like this. Even when we were in the state final you were calm."

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