Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Shelly's POV

Kyle, my mom and I were all loaded in Kyle's Ford Explorer, his other car (who knew the boy had two cars!) headed to the gynecologists. I was excited and scared to be going. My puking or morning sickness as mom called it, though it was all freaking day, was still bad. Kyle had surprised the hell out of me by staying by my side. I was expecting him to run away from me screaming, not tell me I was coming with him! I was so relieved when he said that no matter what happened he would be there.

As we pulled up outside the doctors office I became oddly nervous. Although my mom told me that not much would happen today, I was still on edge. Ever since I found out on Friday that I was pregnant I had been a complete wreck. Even with Kyle telling me to calm down l, giving me massages, and pretty much catering to my ever need, I was still edgy. I'm not sure if it was just me or my pregnancy hormones, but I've been snappy to everyone. I felt bad when I did it, which in turn made me a little more stressed.

Kyle walked next me holding my hand proudly as we carefully walked across the icy parking lot. A bell jingled when we opened the door which made everyone in the room look at us. Ok so I'm probably blowing this out of proportion. Its was like two people who looked at us.

"Hi. Do you have an appointment?" The secretary said behind the counter.

"Yes. I have Shelly Tinsley here to see Dr. Steeby." My mom said to her. Kyle wrapped his arms around me and started working his hands on the knots I had in my back. He was so sweet. How had I gotten so lucky?

"Ok, Shelly I just need you to fill these forms out. Dr. Steeby should be out shortly." The secretary said handing me a clipboard with papers on it.

"Ok." I mumbled. I don't know why but I was acting shy. I was just so uncomfortable and all I wanted to do was crawl back in bed, curl up next to Kyle and sleep, even after sleeping majority of the weekend.

We made our way over to the chairs and I got to work on the paperwork. It asked things like name, age, height, weight, first date of my last menstrual cycle, was it normal blah blah blah. By the time I got done with the second page my name was called.

"Shelly." A tall native American called while still standing in the doorway to go back to the rooms.

I stood up at the same time Kyle and my mom did. "Only one of you can come back." The nurse said.

Without thinking a grabbed Kyle's hand and pulled him forward. My mom will understand. I mean, he is the father after all. I handed her the papers that I had done so far and stepped into a narrow hallway.

"Follow me please." She said and started leading us past door after door after door. I was about to ask if we would be stopping off for lunch, crap lunch I'm hungry, when she opened a room and stepped in. "If you'll just have a seat Dr. Steeby will be right in." And with that she left the room.

Kyle and I had barely taken our seats before the door opened again. In walked a middle aged women with bright blond hair.

"I'm Justine Steeby. You must be Shelly." She said and stretched her arm out, extending her hand to me. 

I shook her hand and said, "Yes and this is Kyle, my fiancée and the baby's father."

"Nice to meet you two." She said as she also shook Kyle's hand. As she took a seat behind her desk, she pulled out a file and looked over it.

"Ok so your last period was on the 26th of October, is that correct?" She asked still looking at the file.

"As far as I can remember." I said.

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