chapter two

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Thank you for the reads I have gotten so far!!! I hope everyone is enjoying this story!!!

Video of To Be Loved by Papa Roach. The song represents Shelly as a person. Kinda like her 'theme song'------->

Shelly's POV

I pulled into the school parking lot of Benton High School, and pulled into the first spot that I saw. There were still some students standing around joking and laughing trying to delay going inside.

I looked in the review mirror and said to myself, "You can do this. No one will even notice you." Getting out of the car I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes, keeping my head low and walking quickly to the building before anyone could say anything to me. I made it through the doors and followed the signs that said 'Office'. I loved school. It was the only time when I could escape my mom and everything else and just feel somewhat normal. I got good grades no matter what school I was in.

Walking into the office, I was hit with the smell of lavender candles. The smell was so strong it made me think I had stepped into a field of flowers. Walking up to the desk, I saw a short, round lady trying to organize a very messy desk.

"One second dear." she said to me without looking up. When she found the piece of paper she was looking for, she finally looked up to me and asked, "Okay dear, what could I do for you?"

"I'm the new student. My name is Shelly Tinsley. I know I'm running a bit late but I'd really like to just get to class before I miss anything." I rushed out. It's the end of October so I knew lessons were underway, and I didn't want to be anymore behind than I already, possibly, was.

The secretary went back to ruffling through the massive amount of papers on the desk. After looking through piles among piles of papers, she finally found my schedule.

"Here we go."she finally said handing me the piece of paper. "You have Mr. Elder first. He's in room 214. Do you need help finding it? You still have 10 minutes before the final bell rings, so you still have time, but if you're more comfortable with someone showing you, I can call one of the student aids down."

"Uh," I stated not wanting to sound rude by not wanting help, but not wanting anyone near me at the same time. "No thanks, I think I can find it. Thank you anyway though. I'd better get going." I turned on my heals and walked out. The halls had filled with everyone coming in from the parking lot, and milling around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a huge group of people standing in a circle, all smiling and joking as one boy stood in the middle.

I kept my head low and walk past just as everyone in the circle busted out in laughter. I just keep walking. I had gotten used to missing out on all the school fun. All just part of staying to myself.

I found Mr. Elder's room easily. There were only a few student in, so I took a seat near the back of the room. Moments later the bell rings and the room is filled with the remaining students. Mr. Elder still hadn't come in, so I pull out my mp3 from my bag. I was listening to 'To Be Loved' by papa Roach when someone tapped my shoulder. Looking up from my doodling, I see a man with a balding head and thick rimmed glasses staring intently at me.

"I'll take that thank you. You may have it at the end of the day." He said. Plucking the ear buds out of my ears, I sigh and hand it over.

The man walks to the front of the class and puts my mp3 in his desk and turns to face the class.

"Good morning class, we have a new students today. She comes from New York City. Ms. Tinsley would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Elder asks.

"I do believe you just did." I say back crossing my arms over my chest. He just stares at me with an unamused look on his face. I mumble under my breath and stand up.

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