Chapter Nine

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Shelly's POV

I woke up Friday morning late and have to rush around the house to make sure I get to school on time. I hate being behind schedule, I always seem to forget something.

I rush out the door ignoring my mom yelling after me. I didn't have time for her today, sounds mean but hey school right now is more important then her stupid chores. I jump in my car and speed all the way to school.

I don't even have time to go to my locker so I just take my bag to class with me. Kc is already sitting in our spots. I rush over and throw myself in my chair just as the bell rings.

"Where have you been?!" Kc asks me.

"I overslept. Kyle left early last night so I had to finish up by myself. I stayed longer then expected and my mom freaked. I had to do chores till one this morning." I say in a rush while I take out my notebook.

"Is he making you do everything by yourself?" Kc whispered as Mr. Elder started class.

"No, he's actually doing more then I thought he would." I whispered back turning my head to pay attention.

We don't get a chance to continue with our conversation, as Mr. Elder pulled out a pop quiz. The quiz was relatively easy, so I finish a lot sooner then everyone else.

When class ends I tell Kc I need to go to my locker so we head off in a sprint, not wanting to be late. As we get to my locker I open it and stare at what's inside confused. When did I bring a shirt to school?

I pull it out and my eyes almost pop out of my head. This wasn't a shirt, its Kyle's jersey he asked me to wear. A note slips to the floor and I bend down to pick it up.

'Please wear this tonight.'

I told him no! Does he not understand the meaning of the word? I turn to see Kc looking at the jersey in my hand in shock and looks pissed.

"He gave you his jersey?" He asks so low I barely heard him.

"I guess," I say just as shocked. "But I dont understand. I told him yesterday when he asked that I wouldn't wear it."

"Shelly, you have to. You may not like him, but Kyle never, let me reiterate, never gives girls his jersey. This is a first." Kc says looking at me intently.

"Kc, I don't like him though. If I wear it he'll think I do. It would be the opposite of staying away from him."

"So tell him that you're flatter and you'll wear it, but make sure he understands that it's just to show support."

"Are you sure? I mean, we're supposed to go together." Did he forget he asked me?

"Yeah I know, but we're going as friends." He says in a duh voice.

"OK. Hope you're right." I say as I put the shirt in my locker, making a mental note to not forget it when school is over.

We head to English and I see Kyle look up as I walk in the room. I smile at him and he gives me a breathtaking smile in return. I stop in front of his desk and look down at him.

"I'll wear it," I start trying to ignore the people that stopped talking around us. "But on one condition."

"What's that?" He asked shocked that I'm agreeing to wear it in the first place.

"I'll only wear it for support. It means nothing more then that. Is that understood?" I ask making sure that he gets it.

"Sweet. Thank you." He says happily, like a kid in a candy store. Wow, it's the little things that make him happy.

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