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Kyle's POV

"KYLE!" I heard Shelly scream from upstairs. The scream was heard by me and Carlos, and his girlfriend Kendra all the way in the backyard. Damn my wife has a set of lungs on her! That scream could only mean one thing.

I jumped out of the pool and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Taking the stairs three at a time I ran down the hall to our bedroom where I last knew her to be napping. I slammed into the room and saw her laying on the bed.

"Oh just great," she said as she took in my wet hair and swim trunks. "My water breaks and you're just having a jolly 'ol time swimming. Well fun time is over! Help me to the car." She was practically scream by the end of her little rant. 

I went over to her and picked her up bridal style. That was a mistake. "I can walk! Put me down! I'm not useless Kyle James Stevens. Just catch me if I almost fall." She snapped.

I was trying so hard not to laugh at her, she was sexy when she was feisty like this, which recently was all the time. I set her on her feet and steadied her. When I was sure she wouldn't topple over I grabbed her already made overnight back and a shirt out of the closet. I slipped it over my head as we made our way down the hall and towards the stairs. Soon, like in a month soon, Shelly and I would be in Los Angeles at college. We had both graduated High School, me with honors. Shelly said she didn't want to study with at college and I was perfectly ok with that. I was going to miss this place. I still couldn't get over Connor paying it off, but he just told me to buy him a Corvette when I made it big. Easy enough. 

Carlos was now my roommate, even though he lived in the pool house, he was never in there. Half the time we ended up crashing on one of the couches in the living room. The day after he brought Shelly back, I went to his hotel room to offer him anything I could. All he asked for was for me to make Shelly happy. Right before we left was when Connor said he would pay for the house since that man I called a father wasn't around. I thought I knew my father, guess I had been wrong. Every item of clothing he had, ever picture of him, was burned in the backyard the moment I got home. Anyway, when Connor said he was going to pay for the house, I offered Carlos to come with us. He didn't hesitate in taking the offer.

"Hey guys!" I shouted out the still open back door. "Shelly's water broke. We're going to the hospital."

I didn't hear what they said and had to run to catch back up with Shelly. For a pregnant girl, she could move pretty damn fast. When I stepped outside I saw her trying to get up in the Jeep and couldn't help but laugh at her. I helped her into the Jeep and threw the bag in the back. Running around to my side I jumped in and started the engine. 

There needs to be a driving lane for stuff like this. I swear I got behind every slow Tom, Dick, and Harry there was. Shelly didn't hesitate to tell everyone what was happening as she would scream it at them when I passed them. I pulled up to the hospital and jumped out. 

I ran inside and yelled, "My wife's water broke. Can I get some assistance?" And just like that I had a swarm of nurses rushing outside to get Shelly from the car. As she came in, in a wheelchair, she gave me an evil look. I laughed and ran to park the car and grab her bag.

As I rushed back inside I found her in a room already, in a hospital gown with wires on her and everything.

"May I help you?" I heard a squeaky voice say behind me. I turned and saw a nurse with to much lipstick on and what looked like clown make up.

"Ugh," I said as I tried to think of something other to say. "My wife is having a baby?" Yes I call Shelly my wife as often as I can. Two and a half months later and she still drives me crazy.

"You weren't here when they brought her in." Squeakers retorted.

"I was parking the car and grabbing her bag." I replied as I held up the bag that was filled with a change of clothes for both of us, her mp3, books and my play book I needed to study before I for to USC. 

"Doc could you just check me and get Dr. Steeby in here?" Shelly snapped at the nurse. She nodded her head and gave me one last glare before examining Shelly.

"How long ago did your water break?" Squeaks asked as she pulled her gloved hand back out from underneath the blanket. 

"About 30 minutes ago. Why? Is something wrong?" She replied with panic in her voice.

"No. Everything is fine. You're actually already at a ten. Let me call the doctors and another nurse in and we can get started." 

Already at a ten? Could they not speak guy for two seconds? What the hell are they talking about? Is this good? Bad? Gah!

"It means I'm ready to push Kyle." Shelly explained to me.

"Oh, cool." I said not thinking about my response. Wait. What? Push? I'm gonna be sick. The room suddenly became very busy. Tables were set up. Strange instruments where laid out that I didn't even want to know where they went. 

I grabbed Shelly's hand as she put her feet up with those, things. "Alright Shelly, on three I want you to give me a really big push okay?" Dr. Steeby said from, well...down there. "Ready? One....two....three..."

Shelly put her chin into her chest and granted. Seconds later the room was filled with her scream. Not knowing what to do I screamed with her. "Shut up you idiot! You did this to me! You're not feeling any pain!" 

"Sorry babe." I said sheepishly.

"Don't take anything she says personally. Its normal." Dr. Steeby said. "Ok that was great Shelly. I can see the head. Now give me two more good pushes like that and Hope will be here."

Shelly pushed again and then screamed. She had my hand in a death grip and I was scared she'd break it. I need that hand! Its my throwing hand! 

"Ok one more push Shelly."

Shelly pushed again and this time her scream was even louder. I think I'm deaf in my right ear. A second scream filled the room and my heart stopped. I was a dad. I had two people to take care of now. A single tear ran down my cheek and I didn't care that everyone could see it.

"Want to cut the cord Kyle?" Dr. Steeby asked me. I nodded my head and took the scissory things they handed me. I cut the cord to my daughter and they whisked her away to be weighted and measured.

"You did so good baby. Thank you for making me a father." I said to Shelly as I kissed her forehead.

"You're welcome honey. You'll be an amazing father."

A pink blanket was then passed to Shelly. She cradled my daughter and stared down at her. "Shes beautiful Kyle. She looks so much like you."

I peered over and looked down to Hope. She was so tiny. She had my nose and chin with Shelly's complexion. She had a tossle of reddish blonde hair was on her head.

"You want to hold her?" Shelly asked me.

"Yeah." I said very quietly. She passed Hope to me and I cradled her awkwardly in my arms. "Hi Hope." I cooed. "I'm your dad."

"I love you Kyle." 

"I love you too Shelly."

I handed Hope back to Shelly and took pictures on my phone. I sent them to Rebecca, Connor, Carlos and Kc. Thirty minutes later they all came bursting into the door. They 'oh'd' and 'ah'd' at Hope and Rebecca fussed over Shelly.

"Did it hurt?" Carlos asked out of nowhere.

"Dude, what do you think?" Kc said. "She just pushed a beach ball out of a key hole." 

"Shut up guys." Shelly said tiredly.

Rebecca caught on to how tired Shelly was. "Guys lets come back tomorrow. Shelly and Kyle need their rest."

With that everyone said their goodbyes and kissed Shelly. Connor shook my hand telling me to take care of them. He didn't need to tell me, I would always be there for my girls. 

I kissed Shelly on the lips and told her to get her some sleep. A few minutes later she was passed out. I walked over to Hope's crib in the room and picked her up. I was wrapped around this little girls finger already. She wouldn't want for anything  and I was going to be the best dad in the world.

"Hey Hope. Let me tell you the story of your mom and I. You see it all started when........."


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