Chapter Twenty

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Shelly's POV

I heard the doors to the restaurant burst open. How I heard it all the way in the back I don't know, but I heard it. Finally they are coming back for me! What took so long? It felt like I had been in here for forever.

I could hear the team of officers coming closer to the door. Corey heard it too and grabbed me from the chair I was sitting it and forced me in front of his body with the gun to my temple. Jackass. I can't believe the pile of shit my life has become in less then 24 hours.

A shadow appeared seconds before a man stood in the doorway, gun raised and focused immediately on Corey's chest. My heart is hammering in my chest and I just hope this is over quickly, hopefully without anyone other then Corey getting hurt. At this point I really didn't care what happened to him.

"Go the fuck away!" Corey shouted.

"All we want is Shelly." The man said.

"I'll give you to the count of three to leave. After that I'm blowing you're head off." Corey snarled menacingly.  His voice had so much venom in it, it's amazing the officer was still standing.

"You don't want to do that man."


"Come on, we can work this out."

"Two! I'm not fucking joking dude, I'll blow your brains out!"

"Lets talk about this Corey. Don't go down this road."


As soon as the word left his lips, Corey pivoted his gun around to the guy in the doorway and let two shots off. A scream broke from me on its own accord as I saw the blood trickle from the officers left arm and stomach. The officer slumped to the floor and was quickly grabbed by two arms and dragged out of the room.

Its pointless to be saved. I'll never get out of here. Somehow, Corey was going to kill everyone and then he'd kill me. No. Him killing me would be to easy.

I would never see Kyle again. I'll never getting hear him tell me he loves me. I'll never be teased by him or wake up next to him again. Never get to watch him play football again. I wouldn't get any of that. The hopelessness was crushing. I could feel myself excepting my fate, no matter how hard I tried. I would never escape Corey. All these years I had waiting for him to show up, and when he finally does, I get dropped into this.

I felt Corey bring his gun back to my head and then whispered, "Anyone else to come in here will get the same thing."

A shiver ran down my spine. I wasn't scared for me, I could deal with anything that happened to me. No, I was scared for the next brave soul to try their luck with Corey.

Two figures suddenly came into view of the door. Before they could do or say anything Corey let off a series of shots, thankful he hadn't hit them because they jumped back the second the shooting started.

Just leave me! I wanted to shout to them so bad! My life was not important enough to let more people lose their lives over.

I could hear the two outside whispering, but it was to low to make anything out. Why would they willing come into a death trap?

One of the men must have been stupid because he jumped across the opening to the other side. Just as he made it Corey left off a few shots. You dumbass, he's already has his cover. Why waste the bullets?

"If any of your or your men take one step in this room, I'll put a bullet in her head. Is that understood?" Corey said calmly. I would prefer if he would. I had never wanted to die. I've never been suicidal, but I knew that there was no way I was getting out of this.

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