Chapter Nineteen

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Kyle's POV

I swear this was something you only see in the movies. I mean, where else do you see a complete lunatic holding a gun to the girl you love? Then again, it probably happened more often then I thought. I don't regret coming in, not it then slightest. My mind could handle what was happening, my stomach was another matter. The moment that I saw Corey holding a gun to Shelly's head, I wanted nothing more then to either throw up, or say fuck what Stabler said and blow Corey's brain all over the wall of the tiny little room. But yet again, my stomach couldn't handle that. I hated Corey with everything in me, but I wasn't a killer.

Stabler and I were currently to the left side of the office door. Somehow Corey had managed to shoot Agent Foster, the other person in our three person team. It was up to me and Stabler, lord help us.

"Kyle," Stabler whispered to me. "We gotta go in. Do not anger him. I understand he's holding your girl hostage, but you need to keep a level head and think clearly. The littlest thing could set him off and then who knows what could happen to Shelly."

I nodded, understanding everything he had just said. I had to be smart here, one wrong move and I might lose Shelly. I wouldn't, no couldn't let that happen.

Stabler motioned that he was going to jump over to the other side of the door. I nodded my head and he made his move. Because the door was still open Corey must have seen Stablers dive and shot three rounds off through the door.

I made sure to stay back to avoid getting hit. When Corey stopped shooting I heard him say, "If any of you or your men take one step in this room, I'll put a bullet in her head. Is that understood?"

"Corey," I said making sure that he heard me. He didn't know my voice, but Shelly did. I wanted her to know I was here and trying everything I could to get her out. She'd probably be pissed with me later for putting myself in danger. But oh well. Her safety was far more important. "Just let Shelly go. We can work this out."

The last thing I wanted to do was work this out with him. He didn't deserve anything other then to be taken out of here in a body bag. I looked over and saw Stabler give me a thumbs up, obviously please with what I said.

"All I want is Shelly. You guys can't offer me anything. Leave." Corey shouted back at us.

"Hey man," Stabler started. "We just want to talk. Can we talk to Shelly?"


After what seemed like forever, I heard a small whimper. Hearing that tiny noise told me everything I needed to know. Shelly was still alive, scared shitless, but alive. That was all that mattered.

"Talk bitch." I heard Corey growl. For someone who wanted her so bad he had a really weird way of showing it.

"Shelly," I said soothingly. "Everything is going to be ok. We'll get you out."

"Kyle," Stabler whispered to me, making sure that Corey and Shelly couldn't hear. "You can't say that. We can't promise things like that. Just stay quiet and let me do the talking."

Prick. He may not be able to make those kinds of promises, but I'm not S.W.A.T. So therefore I can promise my girlfriend that.

"Shelly talk to us. How are you doing? You OK?" Stabler said. Idiot. No she's not OK! She's been kidnapped and held hostage. Would you be OK?

"I'm ok." Shelly said back. Those two words were the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

"That's good. Are you injured?" Stabler asked. I froze waiting for her answer. If he had hurt her I wasn't sure if I'd be able to contain myself. Just the thought of him laying a hand on her was enough to make me see red.

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