Chapter Thirteen

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Hello everyone. So I'm not sure why, but this chapter was hard to write, I had to delete try again and delete. I hope it doesn't show but if it does I'm sorry. Enjoy!!!!

Shelly's POV

I pulled up into my driveway still a little in shock over Kc's revelation. I had felt honored that I was the only one to know, but now I just wanted to tell someone his good news. He had kept his word about not telling anyone my secret, so I had to do the same with his.

I unlocked the front door and took a step inside to be hit with a strong smell of bleach. Covering my mouth an nose with my hand I go to the front windows and open them to try and chase the smell away. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom on her hands and knees, scrubbing away at the floor.

"Mom, you should be in bed resting." I shout at her. She jumps and looks over her shoulder at me.

"I know honey," she says but continues on with her cleaning. "But I'm so tired of being in bed. I needed something to do."

"Come on, lets at least get you on the couch." I say walking over and grabbing her upper arm. She huffs a sigh and throws her brush down.

She climbs up off the floor and makes her way into the den and sits down. "Better?" She asks.

"Yes. I'm gonna go clean up the kitchen. You stay put and try to relax." I say pointing my finger at her.

I walk back to the kitchen and grab the bucket and brush and take it over to the sink. I dump out the bleach water and rinse off the brush and head back to the living room.

I flop down on the couch and take off my shoes. Kicking them off my mom asks, "Now's as good of a time as any to tell me how I've been." She says looking me dead in the eye.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked. I knew I couldn't keep putting this off, my mom was that stubborn. I'm a lot like her in that aspect, but hey, it came in handy when I needed it.

"Yes, I do." She replied. Her voice was strong and steady so I let out of deep breath. She really did want to know, regardless of if it nearly killed her in the process.

"Honestly mom," I start. "You've been a living nightmare." Well that wasn't exactly how I intended to start this talk out with, it just kinda came out like word vomit.

"Tell me how. I'm sure I have been but, I want to know the details of how." She said calmly.

I tell her all the things she would have me do. How sometimes I wouldn't be able to sleep before school because she had given me so much to do. She finally started crying when I got to the bit about her not letting me eat if something wasn't done right. In the middle of telling her about some of the things she had me do, my phone started ringing.

I looked down at my caller ID and saw that Kyle was calling me. I big goofy grin comes across my face. In the two weeks I've been at this school how is it possible that I had went from hating this boy to dating him?

"Go on dear," my mom says looking at my phone in my hands. "We can talk more later, I've had enough for now."

"Thanks mom." I say and run up the stairs. I answer my phone as I close my door.

"Hey there," I say happily. "How was practice?" How the hell do I talk to him? I knew how to hate him, but I can't do that now.

"Hey beautiful, it was hard, long and hot. How was your afternoon?" He says.

Thinking back over my afternoon I think of Kc and my conversation with my mom. I can't tell him either so I just say, "Good. I liked getting the note from you." I decide I'm not going to tell him about Olivia or anyone else that was harassing me today.

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