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"If there's more up there. We can only see so much... But we really don't know.. It's strange, yet, so marvelous... We don't know what changes can occur, but when they do..."

There's a subtle pause.

"They're wonderful."

(I got this from TheHauntedAuthor )

          (NOW TIME 4 ONESHOT)

    Phil loved looking at the stars ever since he was a kid. He thought they were 'out of this world' as he would say.  Since Phil was so fascinated in the gas balls in the sky, he looked up everything about space. The planets, stars, star constellations, everything about the 'world' above him.
     When Phil was in elementary school, all he would talk about was space, how cool it was, and how he wanted to go up there and touch a star. It was his dream. As he got older, his fascination grew. He started to draw the night time sky.
     He's art class teacher noticed Phil's interest in space and decided to talk to him.


Phil looked from his painting of the stars to his teacher, standing from his stool and walking over.


Phil was usually never called up by his teacher, so when he was, his classmates stared.

"I've noticed that you like to draw star constellation-"

The teacher was cut off slightly

"Oh, yes! I'm fascinated with space! It's just so amazing! I've loved it since I was a kid." 

His teacher smiles slightly.

"Well, your are of it is quite something. What would you say if I elected you to represent our class in an art competition for this year?"

Phil eyes went wide, surprised at his teachers words. Phil? A representative of his class for an art show? He was shocked. So many other people in his class we better at him, yet, his teacher choose him.

"W-Why me? The others are so much better than m-"

This time, Phil was cut off.

"You show the most compassion for each piece of art you start. As you paint, your eyes light up like stars. Each piece of art you complete, you take pride in, even if you don't know it. You show your love for space in every,  single, piece of art you create." Phil's teacher smiled slightly.

".... I-I'll do it.."

"Splendid, you may get back to work young man."

Phil nodded and turned, smiling slightly as he went back to his stool, looking to his painting and sitting, starting to create the sky once more.

".... I can do this.."

                    ~TIME SKIPPY~

   The next day in school, as Phil walked thru the double doors, people immediately started to mumble to one another.

"What's going on?"

Phil just shrugged and headed to his locker, reaching for his lock. As he was putting in the combination, silently, two students stood behind him. Phil had grabbed his things and shut his locker, turning and letting out a small gasp as he saw the students behind him.

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