Happy Song

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"You spend all day ly'in on the couch. Walk in your boxers around the house. Look at your pale ugly face, enough to make a mirror break. More half-asleep then half-awake, complaining that your body aches. Feeling sorry for yourself won't get you anywhere..."

He leaned over to me, smiling as he played his guitar.

"So i'm singing you a happy song, just to cheer ya up, when you got it rough. I'm singing you a happy song, just to cheer ya up, I know how is sucks. Yeah, I'm singing you a happy song, it can't be that bad, why you look so sad? There's better times ahead."

   I giggled slightly as he tried to whistle, failing miserably.

"Your room smells like bad Mexican. Pull up those blinds let air come in. Your promises and blah blah blah won't fix the string on my guitar. We've been 'friends' for much to long, for me to watch you carry on. Like this I miss the you I knew, you'll do the same for me."

   Nudging me as he said; "'friends'" I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing what he meant.

"So I'm singing you a happy song, just to cheer you up. I know how it sucks. Yeah, I'm singing you a happy song, but it can't be that bad. There's better times ahead. So I'm singing you a happy song, but it can't be that bad. Why you look so sad?"

   He lied, I don't look sad now... He's cheered me up inside..

"Watching shapes in the clouds all day. It's okay sometimes we make mistakes."

I sang a quick note.

"Oh oh oh~"

"Let it go oh oh. If it's out of your control. Shrug it off, like its a silly joke. So I'm singing you a happy song, just to cheer you up. I know how it sucks. Yeah, I'm singing you a happy song, but it can't be that bad. There's better times ahead. Yeah, I'm singing you a happy song, but it can't be that bad. Why you look so sad? There's better times ahead. Ohh, better times ahead. Ohh ohh, better times ahead. Oh oh oh oh oh, better times ahead. Ooooo Oooo, better times ahe-!!!"

   I smirked as I cut him off with a sweet kiss, grabbing his shoulder with one of my hands. Shocked at first, he slowly relaxed and kissed back, leaning down a bit so we could kiss longer. He ran a soft hand thru my hair and I smiled in the kiss, pulling away slowly.

"...... Dork."

   I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"Yeah... But I'm your dork."


   He tilted my head up to kiss me again and I, being a impatient child and not wanting to wait another second, quickly sat on his lap and sat up strait, kissinggg him passionately. He kissed back, smiling as he leaned back against the wall. I leaned my chest on his as we kissed, both of us smiling like little kids. After a bit, we pulled apart, smiling as he held me close to his chest.

"Love ya, Bry Bry."

".... Love ya too, Matt..."

   Thank god I was sleeping over his place, or else I would have gotten a beating from my dad about coming home late.

"Love you so much...."

   I placed a soft kiss on his lower neck, and I could tell he smiled. He slowly later down onto his back, keeping me on his chest and close to himself.

"Go to sleep, hon."

   I jokingly whined, kissing his lower neck again and again.

"B-Bryan.. Sleep..."

"I don't waaaaanna."

   He sighed and shuffled me onto him fully, tilting my head up to lock eyes with his glossy green ones.

"If you don't sleep I'll...."

   He paused, thinking.

"I'll..... I got nothing. Just, please sleep, darling?"

   I smirked and pulled myself an inch closer to his face, giving him a soft peck to the lips.

"M'kay, Matthew."

   Still laying atop of him, I rested my head on the crook of his neck, placing soft kitten kisses along it.

"... T-This isn't sleeping, sweetie..."

"It's better~"

   He sighed and shut his eyes, blushing more as I kept kissing his neck gingerly. After awhile of teasing him, I stopped and shut my eyes as well, yawning slightly.

"G'Night, Matthew~"


   I smiled, knowing he fell asleep.

"Love you, Matt.... So, so much.."

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