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For; TheHauntedAuthor and PunksLikeUsX5SOS

(No POV)

"Thomas? What's this?"

   Jon held a piece of paper up to his face, reading the black printed words on it. His face went stone cold, eyes widening in shock.


   Jon shot his eyes up, locking them with Thomas'.

"A-Answer me..."

   Glaring away from Jon, Thomas looked to the floor, fiddling with his fingers.

"Thomas. Sanders. Answer me. Now."

   Jon's voice was stern, but filled with worry.

"Y-You need t-to und-dersta-"


"E-Exactly what it-it says...."

   Thomas was still looking down, his eyes brimming with tears.

"B-But... Wh-When did this.. H-How Di-did you get-t..-"

   Jon set the paper down and sighed shakily, wiping his eyes.

"G-God, Thomas.. I-I'm so sorry..."

   Thomas slightly chuckled, looking up to Jon with tears streaming down his face.

"It-It's o-okay...! I-I... I'm-m go-gonna b-Be ok-okay fo-for now... I-I'll be o-okay b-being a.... a-a.."

   There was a slight pause as Thomas caught his breath, shakily coughing.

"... A-Alone.."

   Jon's blue eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"A-Alone..? Why would you b-be alon-"

   Thomas paused Jon by going into a huge coughing fit, racking horrid sounds from his chest.

".... Thomas.."

   Silently, Jon pulled Thomas into a hug, holding him tightly.

"... Thomas, I-I'm not gonna leave you.. You won't be alone during this..."

   All Thomas did was hug Jon back tightly, hiding his red, tear stained face in the crook of Jon's neck. He started sobbing lightly, coughing every so often.

"... Shh.. Sh... It's gonna be alright, Thomas.. You'll get through this.. We'll get through this.. Together. I promise.."

   Thomas barley nodded as he coughed again, gripping the back of Jon's shirt tightly.

"I-I th-thought-t-t y-you wou-would.. I-I wa-was scared th-that y-you'd-d l-leave me-e...."

   Sighing lightly, Jon kisses the temple of Thomas' head softly, mumbling to him.

"Thomas... I'll never leave you. Even if you,.. You have, this. I won't leave ya.. Ever. I promise you.

   Thomas just nodded again, keeping his face hidden from Jon's view.

One-Shot Book? IDFK I JUST WANNADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora