Meeting For The First Time (*Jaunts Pt 2*)

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~Previously; She headed to the baggage claim and found her bag, grabbing it tightly. ''Lexie will be here.'' Smiling the whole time, Jordan looked around, spotting her mom now standing next to her. Sighing excitedly, Jordan started looking around more, walking around a bit to get a better view of the area. ''She'll be here. I'll start to cry. I can't not cry...''


I see her.~.

(Jordie's POV)

   I whip my head around and spot her, my eyes instantly tearing up. No... Don't cry... She starts towards me, speed walking and I shake my head, rushing forwards. I collide with her, wrapping my arms around her tightly and hiding my face in her shoulder, instantly starting to cry. Lexie does the same and we just stay there, in each others arms and tight grasp.

"I-I ca-can't,., I-I..-"

"S-Sh .. It-It's alri-ight, J-Jordie...."

   We pull from the hug and I raise my hands, rubbing my eyes. I lock eyes with her as I lower my hands and I smile.

"H-Heh... H-Hi-i... H-Haunts.."

"H-Hey.... Jordie..."

   I raise my hands and cup her cheeks, wiping her eyes with my thumbs gently. She smiles and I smile back, sniffling.

"I-It's s-so good to-to see you I-in person.."

   I nod in response happily. There's an awkward silence and I break it by pulling her into another hug, resting my head in the crook of her neck and slowly relaxing. She rests her head on my shoulder and we just stand there in each others arms again. I feel her start to rub my lower back soothingly, trying to calm me down and I do. Slowly at least.

"I-I'm h-here.... I-I made I-I-it-t..."

   I cough slightly and she just hold's me tighter. I hugs tightly back and slightly grip her shirt, crumpling it when I ball my hands into fists. I don't want to let her go... Not now, not ever. I feel her start to pull away and I shake my head, holding her closer.


"..... J-Jordie... C-Come'on,,"

   I shake my head again, holding her shirt tighter in my fists. Lexie sighs and hugs me again, sighing shakily.

"..... I'm ha-happy to see you to..."

   I sniffle a bit and she pushes me away, lifting my head with her hand.

"Don't c-cry on me J-Jordie.."

"I-I alr-already a-am... S-Sorry.."

"I-It's okay... D-Don't apologize... It-It's fine..."

   All she does is smile, her beautiful, warming smile that can warm up a snowy day. I love that smile.... Always have, always will.

"You too alright..?"

My mother spoke and I just looked to her, smiling.

"M-Mhm... B-Better than a-alright.."

I look back to Lexie, hugging her again tightly.

"W-Way better..."

~To Be Continued~


One-Shot Book? IDFK I JUST WANNADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora