Meeting For The First Time (*Jaunts Pt 1*)

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(Jordan's *my* POV)

   I grabbed my luggage and sprinted to the plane, my mother yelling behind me.



   I kept running till I got to the entrance of the gate, jumping in place happily. Once my mother caught up, I tightly grabbed her arm, squealing.

"Jordan.... Please, calm down.. Your making a seen"

"So?! I'm going to see Lexie!! I finally get to see her in person!!"

   My mother rolled her eyes smiling a bit.

"Let's just get on the plane..."

   I nodded quickly and sprinted towards the plane again.

"God damnit..."

   My mother mumbled as I ran off, a smile plastered onto my face. The plane was crowed, most of the people were already seated.

"Moooooom. Where's our seeeaaaats?"

"Right over there. Now STOP acting like a child."

I groaned, heading to the seats and sat in the one near the window. I looked out the window and my smile grew just that much more... ''I'm finally able to see Lexie in person..''

   But I forgot I'm terrified of planes.

(No POV)

   Jordan instantly yelped as the
'buckle yourself'  sign came on. Sighing slightly, she buckled herself up. The plane started to move and she tensed up, slowly looking to the window.


Jordan half screamed half whispered to herself, looking away from them window and taking a shaky breath. She quickly thought for a moment then went to her IPod, since she hasn't gotten her phone yet. Turning it onto  airplane mode, Jordan went to messages, reading what their conversation was moments before she walked onto the plane.

~Jordan-"........ Hey, Lexie. I just wanted to say something...."

Jordan-"I know you 'got me' that one-shot as a b-day present but... I don't NEED it... Your the only birthday present I need from you.YOUR the ONLY PRESENT I want. Of course, I wanna see what you wrote and stuff but.... I don't need that as much as I need you... So... Thank you for the best birthday present ever. You."

Lexie-"Ah why do you always do this to me now I'm crying."

Lexie-"Jordie, you're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life. I mean, the fact that you've managed to stick by my side through all that's happened is truly amazing. How no matter what's happened, we've stuck by each other's sides through THICK and thin. And, of course I'm going to do something for your birthday, cause today's a special day. The day my best friend was born.

Thank you, for being my best friend, and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"~

   Jordan flustered, tearing up as she read the message. Her mom looked over and glared to the messages, smiling and looking away. Hoping she had a sliver of wifi left, she responded.  Thankfully, it sent.


   Jordan had to be the luckiest person in the world to find a friend like Lexie... Lexie means so much to her. She put her phone down and looked to the window again, yelping slightly at how far they were above ground already. All Jordan did was look back to her IPod, switching to WattPad on it and smiling.

Notification: "New Upload Of 'Flower Crowns and Piercings' by TheHauntedAuthor

Jordan clicked it and started reading, the smile on her face not leaving.

~Some Time Later, When They Arrive In California~

(No POV)

   Jordan headed off the plane, squealing ad looking around. ''Lexie was here. ''


She headed to the baggage claim and found her bag, grabbing it tightly. ''Lexie will be here.'' Smiling the whole time, Jordan looked around, spotting her mom now standing next to her. Sighing excitedly, Jordan started looking around more, walking around a bit to get a better view of the area. ''She'll be here. I'll start to cry. I can't not cry...''


I see her.


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