Thunder and Lightning

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(Jon's POV)

   I yelp slightly as I hear the crack of thunder break the silence that was throughout my home.

  I've been afraid of thunder for as long as I remember even more afraid of lightni-


   I quickly covered my head with the blanket as I saw the flash of lightning and heard another crash of thunder. I was breathing heavily and shaking as I heard the door to my room open.

"Jon..?! Jon are you okay? I heard you scream.."

   Right... Thomas was staying over my house for the week. We had finished the 'Vine v.s YouTube' video two days ago.

"Y-Yeah.... I-I'm ok-okay.."

   I lifted the blanket from my head and looked to Thomas.

"I-I'm just.... A-Afraid of thunder and lightning."

   Thomas face softened and his expression changed from worry to a soft smile.


".... W-What..?"


   Thomas looked to the window as another bright flash shined into the room and a loud crack filled the somewhat silent room me and Thomas were in. I quickly hid under the blanket again, starting to shake more. I didn't head anything and I though Thomas had left until I felt the edge of my bed collapse under someone's weight. The bed shifted a bit until the person had gotten comfortable. I lifted my head from under the blanket, looking next to me and seeing Thomas laying next to me.

"What? I'm not letting my best friend tremble in bed all night."

   Thomas pulled me close, wrapping an arm around me. I looked up to his face and he looked back, smiling softly.

   Another loud crack of thunder, and a small flash of lightning was all it took for me to quickly cuddle up against Thomas. He quickly responded by pulling me closer.

"It's gonna be alright, Jon. I'm right here for you."

"T-Thank yo-"

   More thunder. I hid my face in Thomas' short, hearing more thunder. He started to sing. A calming song that I've never heard before. It was something about... Never being alone? I didn't hear most of it because I fell asleep against Thomas' chest.

"I will always be by your side~"

   Was the last lyric I heard him sing. As my eyes were closed, I felt a soft pair of lips kiss my forehead. Heat rose to my cheeks as I fell into a deep slumber.

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