Back Talk (Clasper)

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(THESE ARE MINE AND TheHauntedAuthor 'S OC'S)

(Kasper- TheHauntedAuthor 's)
(Clyde- Mine)



"Clyde, I've got work to do and you're being an obscenely cute distraction. I'm going to need you to stop."

   Kasper glared over to Clyde, who was hanging his head over the bed and laying on his back. Clyde giggles and shook his head, making Kasper roll his eyes.

"It's good t'at I'm cute."

   Clyde smiles and stuck his tongue out, a tint of pink washing over his cheeks.

"No. Its's not. It's distracting me and I need to get this done."

"Surrrrre, like'a stupid extra credit project f'er y'er englis' class is SOOO muc' more important t'en y'er best friend."

"Just, be quite so I can finish this.."

"Just be quite so I can finis' t'is. Bla' Bla' Bla'."

"..... Clyde, I'm warning you.."

"Kasp'a, I'm warnin' y'a..."

   Clyde smirked, looking to Kasper.



"Okay. That's it."

   Kasper stood from his chair and pushed it in, walking over to Clyde and kneeling to be at his eye level since Clyde was still upside down.

"If you don't shut up, I'll make you shut up."

"If y'a don't s'ut up, I'll make y'e s'ut u-!!!"

   Sitting on the bed, Kasper lifted Clyde up and kissed up, on the lips, passionately. Clyde immediately blushed, frozen in shock and confusion. As Kasper pulled away his cheeks heated up but, all he did was smirk and stand. He headed back to his seat and sat, continuing to work on his project.


   Clyde just sat there, his cheeks madly red and his eyes wide, full of shock and slight happiness. He fell back onto his back, his head upside down once more, watching Kasper.

   "Kasp'a, I've got not'ing t'a do and y'er  bein' an obscenely cute distraction. I'm goin' t'e need y'a t'a stop."

Clyde spoke aloud, and watched as Kasper stood from his chair once more, eyes narrow in annoyance.

   "God, I fuck'in hate you when you do this."

Kasper bounded over to Clyde and instantly pulled him(Clyde) into his lap, kissing him with the same passion as before. This time, Clyde kissed back happily. They pulled away shortly after, Clyde resting his head on Kasper's chest.

"God, I fook'in 'ate ya w'en ya do t'is."

"Clyde. Shut up."

".... Love y'a too, Kasp'a.."


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