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After the last bell of the school day, Sammy met me by his car to drive me home.

" So you got a thing for g?" He asked as he were leaving the school parking lot.

" Yeah I mean I don't know him well, but he seems chill and I think he really likes me and he's super sweet and stuff so I mean." I said looking at him to see how he reacted to what I said

" Yeah I got you, but he really likes you I can tell." He said with confidence

" I see it too but isn't it kind off weird like we met today and he already likes me and he doesn't know me I can't help but feel like I'm getting myself in to far to fast." I said looking for advice. Now as much as I would be the first one to joke that Sammy wasn't good for anything. That boy knows relationships.

" Yeah I wouldn't sweat it though babe, I mean that's kind of how he is and you'll get to know how he is but I'm watching out for you I mean your basically my little sister."

" Aww thanks Sammy." I said and kissed his cheek.

" K, don't be all over me I said one nice thing, damn." He said sarcastically

" Haha so funny Wilkinson." I said glaring at him

" It's not your fault babe trust me I don't blame you what's not to love." He said shrugging as if he were actually contemplating what was not to love.

I punched him in the arm laughing.

"Damn, you can punch." He said wincing and rubbing his arm.

I laid my head on his shoulder turned and turned on Views until he drove me home.

As soon as we reached it, he parked in the driveway and we went inside.

I opened the door and heard my mom on the phone working as always. So Sammy and I quietly went to the kitchen and he grabbed the drinks and I grabbed the snacks before we walked to my room. I was allowed to have boys in my room as long as the door was open.

Sammy sat on my bed and I sat on my desk chair . We would always do homework together and talk during it so it would be less stressful and just so we could spend time together. Sammy would usually leave after we finished and go to one of his other friends houses. I never really talked to them cause they're just his guy friends. Until now that Jack and I met I guess I'll be hanging with them more. I have other girl friends just none of us our close.

As we started on math homework, he were talking about what happened in history and how we would have to be in detention Friday and the next Friday after that.

" I Just can't believe you got a detention for PDA." Sam said laughing.

" I know right like I would get it from you Mr.
"We got lost and ended up in the janitors closet." I said rolling my eyes at Sam's record

" Hey she believed it." He said holding his hands up in defense

We laughed and finished our homework helping each other along the way. As much as he doesn't give himself credit for it Sammy is really smart when he tries he just usually dosn't try.

"So why haven't I met your friends before they seem cool." I said

" I don't know you just don't really have anything in common with them."

I nodded my head I mean I really was like them in a lot of ways but not on the outside.

" Hey why haven't I seen Jack around?" I asked

" Oh he's new this year he had to transfer." He said still paying attention to the work when suddenly all my attention was on the conversation.

" Wait why did he have to transfer?" I asked sitting up looking Sammy in the eye

He sighed " I can't tell you cause it's not my place to but don't worry about he's really a good guy."

" I can't believe I'm kind off involved with him like I don't even know him." I said more to myself then to Sammy

" If it will make you feel better do you want to hang out with him cause I can invite him over to chill with us later." Sammy said finally looking up from his papers

" Would you, Could you, wait I have to change, does my hair look okay." I said suddenly feeling very insecure examining myself in the mirror.

" You look great." He said rolling his eyes and pulling out his phone to text Jack about seeing him later. "There you happy" he said as the message sent.

" Very thank you Sammy" I said while hugging him from the side " I love you" I sang into his ear.

" I love you to" he groaned out from how hard I was hugging him.

Shy Girl // Jack GWhere stories live. Discover now