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At Nate's, after Sammy and I talked everything was cleared up, I really don't know why I was so nervous. Best friends are hard to loose if they're real, and he was the realest friend I ever had. After I had talked to him, Sam and Jack drifted off and I could tell that they were trying to make everything right between them. Jack really was the boy of my dreams, he did so much to make me happy. He was constantly surprising me, and showering me with gifts and compliments. I decided I was going to do something nice for him back.

For the next couple hours we all hung out at Nate's, the rest of the boys swung by and we just chilled and played video games. Jack dropped me back off at home, and we sat in my driveway talking for a bit. My mom was gone as usual, the good thing is she trusts Jack and me so she didn't have any rules in place for when she was away. We were just having mindless small talk about the boys and songs on the radio until my curiosity got the best of me and I blurted out, "Why aren't we dating?"

I immediately regretted it and wished for magic powers to be able to go back in time before I asked that beyond stupid question. I watched the size of his eyes increase in shock. Each moment felt like an eternity, so I buried my face in his neck and mumbled something hardly coherent about ignoring what I just said.

It took him a minute, but Jack reached his hand up and gently pulled my face away so I could look at him. He responded "because I'm stupid." I had absolutely no clue how to respond, I should never had brought up this conversation that I don't know how to finish.

So we did what we always seem to do when we don't know what to say, and we made out in his car.

Shy Girl // Jack GWhere stories live. Discover now