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I guess my mom was gonna meet Jack sooner or later.

" Honey, I'm done with work." My mom yelled walking in to the room. "Oh, hi who's this?" She said looking at Jack.

" Hi mam, I'm Jack Gilinsky. I go to school with Aphrodite and Sam." He said with a little wave.

" Oh it's nice to meet you." She said looking back and forth between me and him. She could tell something was up, she could probably even tell I liked him by the look in my eyes. " K well have fun, what are you kids up to?"

" Oh we were gonna use the karaoke machine because Jack sings too." I said looking up and Jack and then to my mom.

" Oh what else do you like to do Jack?" My mom asked. She obviously knowing I like him and doing this just do pester me.

Jack chuckled a little bit seeing my obvious glares at my mother. "Oh um, I like sports, I play Basketball and Football." He said kind of nervously but trying to play it off cool.

" Oh that's nice, Dite plays basketball too." She pointed out," you two have so much in common."

Sam was trying not to laugh in the corner. "Okay Mom,  I'm sure you have something to do." I said pushing her out of the room.

" Bye Sammy, nice to meet you Jack!" My mom yelled while I pushed her into the kitchen.

"Mom" I groaned

" So you and Jack" my mom said wiggling her eyebrows

" We both like each other but nothing's happening " I mumbled so they couldn't hear everything in the other room.

" Go get him he's cute." My mom said. Jack must have made a good first impression on my mom plus she was really tired of me being alone every weekend in my room.

I sarcastically glared at her and went back to Jack and Sammy.

"Okay y'all karaoke time!" I yelled

" Haha okay what do you want?" Sam asked searching through the duet options.

" OMG the High School Musical karaoke song!" I yelled excitedly

" My Childhood! Okay let's go." Jack said a little less excited than I was.

The song was filled with lots got giggles and fake staring into each others eyes.

After a while of karaoke and just talking Jack went home.

" Hey would you mind if I stay over my mom's kind of really on my case and we had a screaming match this morning and I don't really want to go home?" Sammy asked me and my mom

" Aw Hun, of course we'll get the extra mattress and put it in A's room so you can stay just text your mom so she doesn't worry."

" Thank you." Sammy said going over to give my mom a hug.

"Sleepover!" I said to Sam trying to lighten the mood and he laughed a little bit. "K I'm gonna go get the air mattress and blow it up." I said smiling. I feel bad that Sam and his mom fight all the time. I don't really have that problem cause I can't barely talk to my mom and even if I could I wouldn't tell her anything personal it sounds bad but I mean I love her.

I hauled the mattress and plugged it in and started to blow it up when Sammy walked into the room. He walked over to the bed and sat down and started to text his mom. I never really see Sammy sad except when it comes to his mom. It's really sweet if you think about it actually.

He looked up at me licking his lips. " Thanks for letting me stay but do you have any clothes I can wear or should we just go to my house early tomorrow?" He asked now laying on my bed.

"Um I have basketball clothes and some sweats and stuff and the end."

You might be wondering why I didn't just let him wear my dad's clothes. My Dad moved out this summer. It was sad but it was probably better for my mom. They would nonstop fight and it was stressful for me cause I felt like I had to choose a side.

As Sam was shuffling through my closet I was making the bed with extra blankets and pillows.  He found and outfit and hung it on the door knob to just grab tomorrow. We both walked into the bathroom and while I did my night routine I kept offering things to Sammy but he did have a lot of stuff here considering how long we've known each other. It was quiet but it wasn't an awkward quiet just a comfortable silence

The silence was broken when I had toothpaste all over my face and Sammy cracked up laughing at how stupid I looked. While he was still in the bathroom I went in my room to change for the night. I opened the door to let Sam know he could come in.

He came in and just took his shirt off so he just slept in some basketball shorts. I couldn't help but peek a little. He laughed at me trying to be sly and look at his abs. "Oh are you gonna tell your mom that you have detention Friday?"

" I'll just say we're staying at school for a bit." I said climbing into bed.

He nodded agreeing knowing what my mom would do if I told her.

"Goodnight Sam, love you." I said while switching of my lamp

"Night A love you too." He said

All I heard was some shuffling until I went to sleep.


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