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When we got back they did the regular check up things before taking me to a room to wait for the doctor to come.

"When you wait in the waiting room and they move you to another waiting room."

Jack laughed at me. His laugh is so beautiful. I would listen to his laugh as a song. But it's even better when he does it for me.

"I really like your laugh."

"You do?"

"Yeah, like sometimes it's a cute laugh, sometimes it's a funny laugh, sometimes it's a sexy laugh, like all of them are just really nice laughs" I said giggling at myself.

"I like yours too" He said looking up at me from his chair.

"My hyena laugh?"

"No I mean when you laugh so hard you can't breathe and you have to hold your chest, or when you laugh at something stupid and you laugh and roll your eyes, and when you can't get a joke out because your laughing too hard at the punchline."

"Awwww Jack, that was so cute" I gushed making him blush and look down.

"We should call your mom" He reminded me.

I reached into my pocket and called.

"How is it are you in?"

"I'm waiting for the doctor."

"Okay I'm in the parking lot so I'll be there in a minute."

"K, love you."

The line went dead.

"Woah I can feel the love radiating all the way from the parking lot" I sarcastically commented.

"It's coming from me." Jack joked.

"Jack you're so cute right now like what's up? Like you haven't said one mean thing in at least a half hour."

"I'm not going to be a jerk when you're hurt."

"I should get hurt more often."

He laughed but then turned serious.

"You really shouldn't. I get really worried, why do you think I came instead of Sammy?"

Right then my mom walked in.

" Oh baby, I'm so sorry it took me this long to get her. Work's just so-"

"It's okay mom I get it." I quietly interrupted her. I get that there's not much she could do I just wish there was. I get that she works to provide for me but she doesn't hardly even see me anymore and me being injured was an inconvenience to her which just hurt.

She just gave me a slight smile which I returned.

"Thank you, Jack." She said sitting opposite him.

"It was nothing, really mam."

"To you it may not be, but you really saved me so thank you."

He just nodded.

There was an awkward silence filling the air.

"Goodness, is it too early to take another pain killer." I said groaning, it didn't hurt that bad I just needed something to make everything less awkward.

"Yeah it's only been an hour but it should kick in about now." Jack answered.

"So how did this happen?"my mom asked.

"Oh right, so you know how I hate walking?" I said making both of them laugh. "So I was making Sam carry me on his shoulders and I was talking so I didn't see the door and then this happened" I explained.

"I bet he's freaking out right now" My mom added.

"You don't even know" I said laughing.

"Actually I do, I have thirty two missed texts from him." She said making Jack and I laugh.

"Best friend goals" I said before we heard a knock on the door," Come in."

///Skipping the whole doctor thing\\\

"My boss is calling me do you want me to drop you off on my way back?" My mom asked.

"I can drive her back" Jack offered.

My mom thought for a minute. "That's fine. I really have to go. I love you." She expressed kissing the top of my head. She answered her phone and speed walked to her car.

I sighed and just looked over to Jack. He seemed to sense that there was a lot more going on in my head than on my head. He just wrapped his arm around me and walked with me to the car.

"Thank you." I whispered

"Of course."

"I really appreciate everything."

"It really wasn't a big deal."

"You're so humble" I said pinching his cheeks.

"Why are you literally my Aunt Gladice?" He said laughing making me stop dead in my tracks. "What, why'd you stop?" "I'm sorry for calling you my Aunt Gladice." He rushed out.

"You have an Aunt Gladice?"

"What? Yes but- I'm so confused."

"That's such a nice title. Like that's literally an aunt name, like Gladice. That's such a aunt name."

"You're so weird."

"Wait is she on your mom's side?" I asked

"How'd you-yes?" Jack answered but said it in more of a question way.

I just smiled and wrapped his arm back around me and continued to walk to the car.

He shook his head at me and smiled," I love you." He said making both of yours eyes widen.


Jack dropped the L bomb.

Shy Girl // Jack GWhere stories live. Discover now