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Now I'll admit something to myself that I will probably never admit to anyone else. I'm a very jealous person. Not normal jealousy where your jaw clenches and your eyes darken and your brows furrow. Mine is less physical and more mental. I will think about it until the thought haunts me and I can't hardly focus on anything else. And right now that's happening. Yes I know I'm jumping to conclusions but with all that's happened to me It's safer to jump to conclusions then let things slide because you think you're paranoid.

The crazy thing is I already know Jack likes me. I already know he's possessive. I already know that he easily gets jealous. And it comforts me in a way because I know he cares.

But even knowing all that I can't help but wonder who he was looking for or why he was there. I know that's unusual for him, heck- it's unusual for anybody.

The scene replays in my mind like a movie I've memorized every word and every action to. The way his eyes scoured the lot. The way his head would flare up every time a car pulled up. It all just so unsettling. Granted, I don't really know him but still something just felt off.

Jacks POV

I had to see Mr.McCaufy before class started so I didn't get detention. So I was waiting and waiting outside of school. Sitting on this stupid bench. I saw Aphrodite and Sam pull up. And look at me questioning why I was here. I was really tempted to just go with them and stop waiting I'd already been here for a half hour.
Whatever what's one detention I thought as I saw Sam and Dite get out of the car. I stood up to meet them. When I looked at Aphrodite one more time I realized she looked like she was really busy thinking about something.

"Hey Y'all." I said with my arms wide but they both just shook their heads and laughed at me.

"Broski." Sam said while laughing

"Sup boo." I winked at A

Okay she looked seriously out of it. Sam noticed it too when she didn't respond.

"A" he said trying to get her attention. She must be really out of it. He nudged her which worked.

"Mm oh right you too hi." She mumbled still slightly out of it.

I wonder what's up with her. She's probably just tired. I ignored it for now as we walked into school.

We all split up and headed to our lockers which were all in different directions. I guess I'll just have to ask her later.

Shy Girl // Jack GWhere stories live. Discover now