Chapter 8- before the show

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"Lily get up! We have to get you ready for the concert!" Jenna yells bursting through the door. Josh isn't by my side anymore, and I frown for a second. He probably had to go get ready a reassure myself. "Ok I'm up!" I say sitting up. Jenna tells me to wash my face so we can start putting makeup on and so that's what I do. I come back and sit on my bed and Jenna starts doing my makeup. "So how are you and Josh?" Jenna say winging my eyeliner. I am taken a back by the question and I give her a confused look, "We're not dating." I state. She looks disapproving when she says, "Aw, such a shame, you know, Josh likes you." I feel my heart skip a beat. JOSH DUN LIKES ME?!?! Lily, calm down, Jesus, remember you don't want to like him yet. Oh crap Jenna's smiling, oh sh*t, she can't find out I mig-"You like him too?!" Jenna partly screams, taking the eyeliner away from my face. "No! Well, no I don't know, I might like him, but I'm not sure if I think I do yet." I say, I confuse myself. "Ok, don't worry I won't tell anyone." Jenna says finishing up my makeup. "Thank you so much." I say, she gets up and leaves the room to get herself ready. I walk into the bathroom to see my eyeliner winged and my lips a really dark red. I throw my hair up into a tight bun and pull down some strands of hair. I change into some bright red high wasted shorts, a black lacy crop top, and some all black vans. I start to clean up my room and I hear my phone buzz.
Taco_Don- I know you and you know me, probably more than you think. I'm sorry I haven't been answering you back lately for I have been quite busy. But I think I know a way to make it up to you, meet me by the Gazebo in Central Park after the concert tonight, and yes, I know your on tour, but trust me I know where you are ;)
I finally get to see who this person is? I feel like I'm going to be sick, this is all too overwhelming. What if I make a bad impression. Lily, it'll be fine! You've been talking to this person for a few years now, stop freaking yourself out about it and finish getting ready! I mentally yell at my self and try to finish cleaning the room. I can't help my self and I text Katie.
Me- ok so you know the tumblr person I've been talking to for forever, taco_don?
Katie- yes...?
Me- they said to meet them at the Gazebo tonight after the concert!
Katie- holy! Well are you gonna go?
Me- should I?
I bite my lip and set my phone down. She answers right away and I see the message.
Katie- well you can't just, not show up.
Me- ok I'll go
Katie- text me everything later ok? Good.
I hear pounding on the door, "Lily answer the door!" I hear Jenna screaming, God I must've zoned out. I run over to the door and open in, Jenna practically falls in and she says, "Jesus Lily I thought you were- holy crap Josh is gonna love you tonight." She looks me up and down and I blush. "You think?" I say because I'm always self-conscious, "I know" Jenna says pulling me out the door.
      "We have a few hours before the show begins, so what do you wanna do?" Jenna says as we walk down the street. What do I wanna do? Nothing really, but where's Josh? "Where are the boys?" I say and I realize I totally neglected her question. "They're sound testing the stage and getting stuff ready, so it's girls time!" Jenna says excitedly. Maybe now is a good time to tell her about the tumblr message, "OOOOO! Let's go in here!" Jenna says pulling me in a store.

Tyler's POV
"Tyler I regret sending this message help me!" Josh says running into my dressing room, he looks distressed, like really distressed. He shows me his phone, "I sent this to Lily and I regret it, God why did I do that?!" Josh says sitting on the couch hitting his head. "Josh stop it!" I say and he does, putting his head in his hands. I read the message he sent to Lily, oh yah she doesn't know its him yet. I read the message and it's basically Josh asking her to meet up with him after the concert. I gotta find a way to fix this, "Josh she'll be more than delighted to figure out its you!" I say pretty hopeful. Maybe I should call Jenna and ask her what to do. "Here I'm gonna go ask Jenna to ask Lily what she thinks of you." I say making him more frightened. He stands up and I run to his dressing room, he chased me but I'm a bit faster, I lock myself in there and call Jenna. He pounds at the door and eventually stops, c'mon lily please like him.
Jenna- hiiiiii
Me- hey babe I got a question
Jenna- ok
Me- can you ask lily what she thinks about Josh please?
I hear her put her phone in her pocket and shut a door behind her. She is whispering now.
Jenna- I'm with lily now, we're at a shop, I shut myself in the bathroom though so she won't hear, and don't tell Josh but yes, she told me she liked him a little this morning when I was putting on her makeup
Me- a little?
Jenna- a lot
Me- ok thank you
Jenna- yep no problem, you'll do great tonight
I love hearing her say that, it gives me a reason to stay alive. She's so beautiful, I love her so much.
Me- Thank you. Love you
Jenna- love you too
I hang up the phone and take a deep breath, I open the door and see Josh crying on the floor.
I feel bad in a sense, but it turned out good. I helped him get up and we walked into his dressing room. "I told you not to do that" Josh says under his breath, I know he's mad. "So I talked to Jenna and she said when she was putting on her makeup today, she said she liked you" I say, he sits up straighter and smiles a bit, "gone_girl89 likes me!" He says laughing a bit. I laugh too and say, "did that help?" I stand up and he does too. "A lot thank you!" He says giving me a hug, I then leave the room and go back to my dressing room.

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