Chapter 18- Katie and Tyler

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Katie's POV

It's been hard without Lily in our home town. I have a few other friends but there's nobody like her. When she won I was of course jealous but I got over it once I found out how much she still needed me. We still text like everyday and she tries to keep me up to date with everything. She says she loves Josh but every since the accident she feels like a burden. The last time I talked to her was the day she was released from the hospital. I decided to let her text me back when she wants to and not bother her because I imagine things are crazy there right now. Lily has gained wild popularity on social media and in real life due to the picture Josh posted of her. Also considering Lily's Instagram page consists of selfies and pictures of her and me, I've gained some popularity too. Since she left I've already had two people come up to me asking if I was actually Lily's best friend, and to me that's absolutely crazy! It's really late at night and I decide to scroll through Instagram. *Buzz

Lily- Katie, I need to tell you something.

Me- Anything

I wait for her to respond and continue to scroll through social media. I scroll down far enough to see a picture Tyler posted. It's of him, Jenna, Josh, and Lily, and it looks like it was taken right after one of their concerts. You can see in Lily's eyes she's so happy to be with them and that warms my heart. The caption says, 'Wouldn't want to be on tour with anyone else.' I smile and like the photo. I click on Josh's tag to see how many likes the picture he posted of Lily has but what I find is a new photo. It's a picture of Lily of what looks to be her on the top of a bunk bed, on a bus maybe? She looks so peaceful and the caption to the photo is, 'It's Official' I smile and think that, that's probably what Lily wanted to text me about. I get butterflies in my stomach because I feel so good for my best friend because I know she must be overly happy being with him.

Lily- You might hate me...

Me- I know it, you and Josh are a thing! Lily that's amazing I'm so happy for you like no joke! Awwwww I'm so glad he makes you happy but just let him know if he breaks you I'll brake him. ^,^

Lily- Ok but you approve right? XD

Me- Of course now go and sleep! <3

Lily- Hey Katie? Uh one more thing

Me- Oh god please don't tell me you're pregnant

Lily- What! No! We haven't even done that yet anyway. I was gonna say thanks for being my best friend. XD

Me- THANK GOD! I'm not ready to be an aunt yet so be safe! ;) and you too lils goodnight <3

Lily-  Goodnight <3

I turn my phone off glad I can go to bed with a smile. I love my best friend. :)

Tyler's POV

"Tyler! Wake up!" I feel someone violently shaking me, I scream but my screams are muffled by a hand over my mouth. I whip my head over to see Josh, "I knew you were gonna yell c'mon follow me" He says taking his hand off my mouth walking to the living space. I swear he knows me more than my own family. I groan and stand up, I almost fall over because I'm so tired, Josh I swear if this isn't important. I look down at my sleeping beauty and smile, I bend down and kiss the top of her head lightly enough to not wake her. I stand back up and groggily walk over to Josh. He's looking out the window and I plop down on the couch waiting for him to talk. It becomes quiet for way to long and I consider saying something but he says, "Tyler I really, really love her." I take in a deep breath of air remembering I said those same exact words to him before I proposed to Jenna. "And uh, I'm thinking about getting her a ring, a-" "A ring to propose to her with?" I say cutting him off, he shakes his head coming over to sit on a chair. "No, Not yet at least. A promise ring. But I wanted to know if you wanted to help me pick one out." He finishes. I smile at him thinking how about how much fun it is to be in love with someone. "For sure." I say and even though I can't really see him in the dark I know relief floods into his face. "Is that all?" I ask standing up, walking over to him. "Yep, thank you for being my best friend." He says giving me a hug, "You too" I say back smiling into his shoulder. He walks back to the window and I start walking back to the bunks, "Well I'm gonna get some sleep and you should too." I say and he says goodnight. I tip toe when I get to the bunks and I look up at lily, "You're a very lucky girl." I whisper barely audible and I bend down and get into bed. I hear Josh walk into the bunk area and get up on his bed. I see him reach over and put some hair behinds Lily's ear. I feel him turn back over on his bed and go to sleep. I smile and turn over myself, *buzz
Josh- is this how you feel with Jenna?
Me- Yes Josh, that's called love
I giggle and I hear him laugh. I shut my phone off and decide to get some rest, I love my best friend. :)

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