Chapter 19- hair

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   Lily's POV
I wake up to the sound of singing. I turn over on my hotel bed and stand up. I try not to make too much sound as I tip toe to the singing's source. It seems to be coming from the bathroom so I lean on the wall. I smile as I hear Josh quietly singing the judge. He can sing, like of course he can sing but like, he can sing good! I jump out of the corner and start walking towards him, "You can sing!" I say and he throws his shaving cream in the air, I catch it, and give it back to him. "Trying to Kill me?" I smile, he pouts and says, "It's not nice to scare people-" "It's not nice to throw stuff at people when they say you have a good singing voice." I raise an eyebrow and smile, the corners of his mouth start to rise and I know he cant be serious any longer. He's almost done shaving and I look on the bathroom counter for my makeup but find something more intriguing, "Can I help you dye your hair?!" I say and grab the hair dye off the counter, "Have you ever dyed hair before?" he says raising an eyebrow in the mirror as he finishes up shaving, "No but there's a first for everything right?" I protest cracking open the red dye, he rinses off his face and takes the dye from my hand. "I'll set it up and you can put it in alright? Cool." I smile and sit on the counter and watch him and he squirts some conditioner in a bowl, then two types of dyes, "What color are you going for?" I ask and he starts stirring the substance and it turns pinkish, "Pink." He says walking over to me setting the stuff on the counter, I run my finger down his chest and say, "Well, only real men wear pink so." He shudders then smiles and giggles, "If you says so" He says before meeting his lips with mine. He grabs my back and I wrap my legs around his waist, he pulls me off the counter and sets me standing up. We brake the kiss for air and I still wonder how I got so lucky. His hair is messed up but its cute, "So here, now follow me, lets go to the chair in the living space to do this." He says giving me the hair dye bowl and I follow him. He takes his shirt off and I blush, either its this lighting or he just has huge muscle's. His boxes are peaking out through his jeans and I've never seem him like this before, like he looks really really really  good. "What? You like the view?" He laughs interrupting my thoughts, yes Josh I love it! "You, I-I guess you could say that." I say shaking myself back into my senses. He smirks and bites his lip which makes me walk over to him and punch him in the arm, I swear my hand breaks because he flexes and we both flinch back, "What was that for?" He says pretending to be hurt, "Stop," He bites his lips and rubs his body, "T-There! That! Stop doing that!" He laughs, stands up, and purposely struts over to me and rubs my arm, "I can't stop being attractive." He says and I raise and eyebrow because that's not something he usually would say, he breaks out into laughter and I do too, "That's literally the most douchy  thing I've every said I'm sorry." He says through  our laughter and he goes back to his chair, I roll my eyes and walk over to him. I run my fingers through his hair, he groans, and relaxes. I continue to massage his scalp and I grab the dye. Here goes...... I would like to say nothing but honestly its everything, I part his hair and grab the brush from the dye, I start to put the first layer of dye on and he jumps, "What?!" I scream, "Its freezing." he says and we both relax. I finish his hair and put a hair cap over it. I grab everything and start walking to the bathroom with it, I blow some hair out of my face and god I need to fix my hair it looks gross. I set down my stuff and take off my gloves, I grab a hair tie off my wrist and just through my hair up in a messy bun. I wash my hands and set my phone timer for an hour. I walk back out to check on Josh and see an adorable site. I strut my way over to his napping body and tap his nose. He wakes up groggily and its so cute, "You got an hour to sleep then we gotta wash your hair out." I say and kiss his forehead, he smiles and leans his head back to nap. I smile and walk to the bathroom to clean it. I know I say this all the time, but how did I end up so lucky. I look at myself in the mirror, smiley and blushy, I cant even describe how much I'm in love with him.

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