New Message

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The boys were in tears and hugging me. Jack wouldnt let go of me while Felix chacked for blades and Mark checked to see if any new cuts were made. "No blades." Felix announced. "No new cuts." They hugged me once again. "Lets not cry! We have to go to dinner!" I try and remind them. "Y/n's right! Lets got to dinner." Felix nods. I run to grab my phone, as I put it in my back pocket I got an alert.

New message
Mark: Hey cutie. I cant wait for dinner with you 😜

What the fuck Mark?! Two more messages came in.

Two new messages
Jack: Hey y/n... I need to talk to you. Its really important. Its about you and me.
Pewds: Hey, you know how I said I loved you when I was drunk. It was kind of true 😶

God dammit guys. I put my phone in my pocket and walk out the room. "Guys come here!" I yell to them from the back door. They come one by one. Each recieve a kiss on the cheek and we all turn red. "I love you guys."

At the restutant, aka Applebees

We get a booth and sit down. Felix, Mark, and Jack played rock paper scissor to see who sits next to me. The funny thing is is that Septicplier sat next to each other. "Hey guys. I need to tell you something." Felix stutters. "I just found out Marzia... she... she c-cheated me." He cries and I pull him into a hug. "Its ok Felix, there are plenty of fush in the sea." Mark comforts. "Dont worry Pewds, we're here for you. That will never change." I respond. "Yeah what they said." Jack says moving over Felix. "Thanks Y/n and Mark. Leprechaun didnt really help." Felix joked. The waiter then came over and we ordered. After dinner we went home they sat on the couch while I went in my room. *Knock knock!* "Come in!" Jack opens the door and peeks his head in. "Oh hey Jack. What did you want to talj about?" I think back to the text I got earlier. "About you and me. I like you, like. I like you alot. You seem very kind and down to Earth and I live that about you. Honestly, I thought you should know. It feels good to get it off my chest." He throws his arms around me and gives me a hug. "Thanks for telling me Jack." I thank him then I kiss him. This wasnt an average kiss, this was a passionite kiss. Without breaking the kiss, he lied me down and took out my ponytail. I broke the kiss and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "It doesnt feel right. I feel like we should be dating if we're going to do that." He nods, I can tell he's kind of disappointed. He kisses my forehead and walks out the room.

New Message
Jack: Thanks for listening to me.

e: Your welcome. Anytime.

I lie down with my phone in hand. Then I decide to write a message.

Me: Come stay in my room tonight, its kinda lonely in here.
Jack: Ok y/n

Jack comes into my room and lies down with me. We lie there in scilence until he grabs me hand lightly. "I love you y/n." Jack says kissing my forehead.

I know Marzia wouldnt cheat on Pewds but I did it for emotions. This story doesnt need a fucking cheating moment with you and Pewds. Please dont kill me. Put the guns down! Put them down! Thank you. Anyways hope you like the book
Midnight Shadow

The Holy Trilogy, My Heros (Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now