Flackback! 6th Grade Hell

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"You fucking skank!" "Go fucking kill yourself!" "Get the fuck out of my face before I fucking smack the bitch out of you!" Well I am officially the punching bag of the school. My only friends Jenna walks beside me. "Its ok Y/n. I'm here for you. I always will be." I throw my arms around her neck and started crying. "I'm sick of living Jenna! I'm sick of it! I want to end it all!" I cry. "Y/n! Its ok. You don't have to do it." Jenna attempts to comfort. "No Jenna, your wrong." She hugs me and joins myy tears.

After school that day

I grab the blade from under my matress and roll up my sleeve. Newer cuts and older cuts are lined up acrossed my wrist. I added a new one and watched the blood drip down my arm. Tears fall like a loose faucet down my face. I need to end it. Its the only way I will escape this hell I'm in. The rope was wrapped up on the closet. I unravel it and hang it to the ceiling. Right before I jump, my phone goes off

Jacksepticeye - New video
Pewdiepie - New video
Markiplier - New video

I undo the nuse and fall to the ground. The videos cheered me up. Made me laugh, smile, and saved my laugh. Honestly, I felt liked I owed them something. Like I needed to repay them.

Back to the current time!

The Holy Trilogy, My Heros (Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now