I Choose Mark (Option One)

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"Well who do you choose?" Pewds asked impatiently. I can tell he wanted to be picked. "I choose Mark." Mark darts his eyes to me and smiles. Jack looks down at his feet disappointed, then he walks out the room. "Jack!" I say about to walk out the door before Felix locked the door with me and Mark inside. "Its ok y/n, I promise Jack will be ok." He hugs me tightly. "Promise?" He nods and I sigh. Jack unlocks the door. "I'm sorry about earlier, I honestly wished you chose me. But you chose Mark, as long as you are happy, I'm happy." I hug him, he pats my back.

"Hey y/n." Mark tried to get my attention. "Yeah?" "Why did you choose me?" He asked sitting down. "I chose you because you are honest and so kind. Your my little goofball. You made me fall in love again. Jack and Felix are still people I love but I knew we would be together." "Do you really love me?" He asked, lying there staring at the ceiling. "If I didnt love you I wouldnt have chose you to be my boyfriend. I will love you no matter what. Dont every doubt it, even if I havent of chosen you I would still love you. You three will always be loved by me, and I mean it." I hug him tightly. "Dont worry my little flower, it will never be doubted." We both fell asleep in each others arms until Felix opened the door silently and woke me. "Y/n," He whispered. "come in the living room with me. I swear I wont do anything. Jack will be with me so if I act up he will stop me." I wiggle out of Marks arms and stood on the cold floor. He grabs my hand and we walk out the room, Jack was sitting on the couch calmly. Jack gestured me to sit, and I obeyed like a puppy. "Whats up guys?" I ask looking down at the floor. "Were you lying when you said you loved all three of us?" Felix asked. "No, you all will be loved by me no matter what happens. Thats why I dont understand why Jack has to watch you. I trust you, hell I even trust you with my life. You too Jack, Mark too. So Jack you can go." Jack looks over at Felix then back at me. "Are you sure?" He asked before he got up. My reply was a nod and a smile. After Jack left Felix looked at me once again. "Why do you trust me? After all the stuff I did to you... after-" "Felix. I trust you because you brought me laughter for years. You tought me to laugh and smile when all I knew was how to cry. You saved my life. You protected me against Ryan. The list goes on for ages, but you get the point." I cut him off and explain. "How can you trust me after the incident though?" He asked shaking. "Hehe. Have you listened at all? You were upset on the fact Marzia did what she did. You were probably scared that you be alone, but you arent and never will be. Next time just tell me your upset or angry and I will be here to help you. Jack and Mark will listen too if you dont want to tell me. The incident is the past and you have to let it go." More tears ran down his face and I couldnt hold mine back any longer. "Y/n are you ok?" Mark asked running into the room. "Yeah, its fine. Me and Felix were just talking and we hit a touchy subject." Mark pulls me close and looks over to Felix. "Felix, what happened. Why did you make her cry." I try to interject but Mark hushed me. "I asked her why does she trust me after everything that happened, she told me and we started crying." Mark held me close and we all smiled. Being the great friend I am, I wiped away Felixs tears and lifted his chin. "Dont be upset ok? Everyone is safe and there is no more reason to cry." He nods and smiles back at me. He gets up and goes to find Jack. "Hey y/n, your an amazing girlfriend and friend." He kisses my cheek and I giggle. "Thanks Markimoo. Your the best boyfriend a girl can have."

Quick A/n!
Sorry that there is so much emotions. I dont even know what Im writing anymore. Past this little note my bday twin Savannah will be taking over the chapter. Thanks for reading, now back to the story.

We sat in the living room cuddling and talking. "Please, dont ever leave me. By that I mean dont stop being my friend. I lived in my LA house and it was like hell. Amy, my past girlfriend, would boss me around and force me to do things. And if I refused, a would be beaten. You saved me from my own personal hell." "Hehe. I will never stop being your friend. Thats a promise." I wouldnt even think of that. "Love you y/n." "Love you more Markimoo." He kisses me on the forehead and goes to hangs out with Luna. I smile. "Take care of him for me Luna. For now."

A/n from Savannah!
If Mark had or has a girlfriend like Amy I am sorry for making her sound like a bitch. Please dont go to Marks channel going "this girl called your girlfriend abusive." THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!! Sorry for yelling.

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