Battling The Cancer... By Chemo

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I couldn't sleep for nights, knowing my niece has a brain tumor keeps me restless. "Daddy, uncles, auntie. Am I going to live?" Luna asks about to cry. "Yes honey! The doctors will help you feel better." I say petting her hair. She doesn't smile or frown, she keeps a straight face. "Hey turn that frown upside down, they already told us they are going to start chemo in three days, you'll be fine." Mark informed making me hurt inside. 'Her beautiful blonde hair is going to be gone. I'm going to miss it.' Jack nudges my shoulder and nods out the door. "Me and Jack will be right back." I say. He grabs my hand and we walk outside the room. "I hope she makes it, you know we can't lose her. We are the perfect family to me, and it will kill me if we lose her." "Stop doubting the doctors! They take care of kids more than anyone. Want to know how I know this, I saw it with my own eyes. I lost my father and mother because they were taking care of me after I lost my younger sister. Knowing you you'll probably say 'I'm sorry for you' but I'm fine. They will do everything for Luna."

The doctor comes into the room. "We're starting chemo now. It's late so either go home or call someone to bring you home." "YOU MADE ME LOOSE MY FAMLY! I AM NOT LOSING HER!!! Bring in more beds now or I'm calling your manager!" She gives me an evil glare and leaves with Luna on her bed. "Daddy!" She yells sacredly. "It's ok Luna!" Felix yells.

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